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[SOLVED] Login Script Help


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Hey there,

I used a tutorial and changed it to suit my site. And when I attempted to run the page I returned this error:


Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in c:\easyphp\www\login.php on line 11


This is what the code looks like:

Line 11 is the first mysql_query

include ('includes/dbconnect.php');
include ('includes/session_def.php');
// This is the username and password you login with, you can also use 
// a database to get the username and match it up (later tutorial).

// If the form was submitted 
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
$userquery = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_id = '$_POST['Username']'") or die(mysql_error());
$pinquery = mysql_query("SELECT user_pin FROM users WHERE user_id = '$_POST['Username']'") or die(mysql_error());
$namequery = mysql_query("SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$_POST['Username']'") or die(mysql_error());
$secquery = mysql_query("SELECT user_sec FROM users WHERE user_id = '$_POST['Username']'") or die(mysql_error());

    // If the username and password match up, then continue... 
    if ($_POST['Username'] == $userquery && $_POST['Password'] == $pinquery) { 

        // Username and password matched, set them as logged in and set the 
        // Username to a session variable. 
        $_SESSION['logged'] = true; 
        $_SESSION['username'] = $namequery;
        $_SESSION['userid'] = $userquery;
	$_SESSION['usersec'] = $secquery;
    } else {
echo('Either the User ID or PIN was incorrect.');

// If they are NOT logged in then show the form to login... 
if ($_SESSION['logged'] = false) { 

    echo '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '"> 
        Username: <input type="textbox" name="Username"><br /> 
        Password: <input type="textbox" name="Password"><br /> 
        <input type="Submit" name="Submit"> 
    echo "You are logged in as: <b>" . $_SESSION['username'] . "</b> 
    <br /><a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?mode=logout\">Logout</a>"; 

// If they want to logout then 
if (isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == "logout") { 
    // Redirect to show results.. 
    echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="1; URL=' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">'; 


I am sure it is something simple, but I have never been that good at interpreting error messages.





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This time I got an error in one of my includes:


Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' in c:\easyphp\www\includes\session_def.php on line 2


I'm sure you can locate line 2 on your own this time  :D

function (session_defaults()) {
$_SESSION['logged'] = (false);
$_SESSION['userid'] = (0);
$_SESSION['username'] = ('');
$_SESSION['usersec'] = (0);
if (!isset($_SESSION['userid']) ) {


I have never used function() before besides copying from tutorials, this is my first attempt. Thanks in advance for your help.




TEHdish! lol

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Well I have been through so many different tutes and this one was the closest to doing all I need it to do. I dont need much for this. That has solved that problem... damn this is getting annoying though. Now it is just saying I am logged in without having logged in! I'll look over this one myself and post again if I have any problems though,


Thanks for your time,



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Sorry, but that code is ridiculous on so many levels. Try this...



  include ('includes/dbconnect.php');
  include ('includes/session_def.php');

  if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
    $uname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Username'];
    $upass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Password'];
    if ($result = mysql_query("SELECT user_id,user_pin,user_name,user_sec FROM users WHERE user_name = '$uname' && user_pin = '$upass'")) {
      if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $_SESSION['logged'] = true; 
        $_SESSION['username'] = $uname;
        $_SESSION['userid'] = $row['user_id'];
        $_SESSION['usersec'] = $row['user_sec'];
      } else {
        echo('Either the User ID or PIN was incorrect.');

  if (!isset($_SESSION['logged'])) { 
    echo "<form method=\"post\">";
    echo "  Username: <input type=\"textbox\" name=\"Username\"><br />";
    echo "  Password: <input type=\"textbox\" name=\"Password\"><br />";
    echo "  <input type=\"Submit\" name=\"Submit\">";
    echo "</form>";
  } else {
    echo "You are logged in as: {$_SESSION['username']}<br />"; 
    echo "<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?mode=logout\">Logout</a>"; 

  if (isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == "logout") { 
    header("Location: {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}");


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Here I thought I got pwned too, but it says your line 8 has a parse error in it.

I had a look at the manual on php.net but couldn't understand exactly how i should use mysql_real_escape_string all I know is that it adds security.


Can someone fill me in on the correct usage for that function, or just what simple thing is missing from the line.


Thank you,


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Will this work with passwords that are md5-ed?


Not as is, but simply change...


$upass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Password']);




$upass = md5(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Password']));


Because I tried to change the password field to a password type and it would not work.


What exactly do you mean by this?

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By that I meant <input type="password".... >

So doesn't that make it md5 without the use of md5(...);?


Also I am having a problem with a section of the code:

  if ($_SESSION['logged']='0') { 
    echo "<form method=\"post\">";
    echo "  Username: <input type=\"textbox\" name=\"username\"><br />";
    echo "  Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"><br />";
    echo "  <input type=\"Submit\" name=\"Submit\">";
    echo "</form>";
  } else {
    echo ('logged = ');
    echo ($_SESSION['logged']);
    echo ('<br>');
    echo ("You are logged in as: {$_SESSION['username']}<br />"); 
    echo ("<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?mode=logout\">Logout</a>"); 


This returns (when run with the whole script, not just this portion):

Logged = 0

You are logged in as



Why would it return that? It shouldn't execute that part of the script if logged = 0.





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By that I meant <input type="password".... >

So doesn't that make it md5 without the use of md5(...);?


No. Thats simple html and just hides the password while its typed.


As for the rest. = is the assignment operator, your looking for ==. Also, integers are not strings... do not surround them in quotes.


if ($_SESSION['logged'] == 0) { 
    echo "<form method=\"post\">";
    echo "  Username: <input type=\"textbox\" name=\"username\"><br />";
    echo "  Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"><br />";
    echo "  <input type=\"Submit\" name=\"Submit\">";
    echo "</form>";
  } else {
    echo 'logged = ';
    echo $_SESSION['logged'];
    echo '<br>';
    echo "You are logged in as: {$_SESSION['username']}<br />"; 
    echo "<a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?mode=logout\">Logout</a>"; 


The use of isset however is less problematic.

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OK first

<input type="password".... >  means display entry as ***



if ($_SESSION['logged']='0') {  

will SET $_SESSION['logged'] to '0'


you need $_SESSION['logged']== '0';


3rd without seeing the whole script its impossible hard to say exactly what the problem is



EDIT: thorpe is too quick for me :(

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I originally didn't have quotes, but when in desperation lol.

That worked at treat though!

Thanks all for your help... ALL login garbage works perfectly for now... until I decide to change something.


Ciao for now!



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I can answer my own question there.... wrong file.


This is the line that has the parse error:

$logentry = mysql_query("INSERT INTO log (log_user_id, log_action, log_datetime) VALUES ('".$_SESSION['userid']."', 'User entered entry.php', '".$timedate")");


Thanks if you can spot the error,



NB: DONT WORRY (not that you were) FOUND IT!

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