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okay.. this question is going to sound highly stupendous, but...


If I use thise code:

echo "hi\nmy name is\tlee";

That will print out:


my name is lee


but if I surround it in single quotes it prints out the \n and \t.. so this:

echo 'hi\nmy name is\tlee';


hi\nmy name is\tlee

How can I print tabs and line spaces into the html code when using single quotes? It's mainly for looks when I go to view source, so the syntax is arranged better.

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Single quotes don't recognize those characters as special.  You could use concatenation or chr(), but that would look uglier than double quotes.  You could use:


sprintf('%sThis line is indented.%sThis line is not.',"\t",chr(13));

echo 'Or something like this' . "\n";


And I think heredocs wouldn't be your cup of tea either.

Nope there is not. However you may be able to get by with something like this, unsure:


$n = "\n";
$t = "\t";

echo 'hi' . $n . 'my name is' . $t . 'lee';


Hehe... might as well do:

echo 'hi' . "\n" . 'my name is' . "\t" . 'lee';



I want to use single quotes instead of double to stop having to use \" every time I want to output any html, such as:

<a href=\"mylink.php\">click here</a>


If you're assigning a large code block, just use HEREDOC syntax instead:

$string = <<<EOS
<a href="mylink.php">click here</a>

You could always escape out of PHP, add some HTML, and come back into PHP.


But if you are also concerened about the speed of the script, then single quotes are known to help speed up execution time. Plus if you are extremely concerned with speed, you will not care about what "view source" generates.

But if you are also concerened about the speed of the script, then single quotes are known to help speed up execution time.


Actually, you can read some of the benchmark testing that was done both on these forums and elsewhere to tell that the difference between double and single quotes when concerned with standard strings is negligible.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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