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Taxes & Accountants Suggestions


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I run a sole-proprietor web dev company. After a few years of going at it alone, my taxes really need someone on them who knows what they are doing. I have spoken with a few accountants but am finding that many know nothing "special" about accounting for the web business.


So my questions are:


1) Can someone suggest some tips to finding a qualified accountant. What questions to ask them and such.


2) I would also like to know what type of "legal" tax tricks or deductions i should definitely be doing to make the most after taxes.


3) Any URL to great info is also appreciated.


Lets make this post great!

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?  There's not much about a web business that makes it different from any other business.  You make money, you get taxed on it, and you pay for crap out of the money you make.  What's so special about it?  What are you asking them that makes them seem to not know the "special" stuff about accounting. 


And there's no special "tricks".  Just deduct what you spend for the business (office furniture, possibly your internet connection, possibly rent/part of your mortgage if you use your office solely for work, gas to get to a client's office, etc).

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