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CVS ideas?


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I'm in the process of developing my own Linux system. Not exactly what I would call a distro as yet, but it is early days.


Ive got the system to the point where it boots and I can login. It is VERY minimal, now I need to (and am about to) start working on my system specific tools / configurations however, before I do I would like to setup a cvs repo to store any and all changes made, along with all the software that I develop for it.


Ideally I would like to be able to make / my working directory, however, this doesn't really seem possible / feasible. Ive asked this question on many Linux boards, {Linux,cvs} irc channels and have googled plenty but don't seem to be getting any help.


I know this is a long shot, but has anyone here got ANY theories on how exactly I could setup a cvs so that I can checkout my changes directly into / of a live/working Linux OS? I know this sounds pretty silly considering the project Ive just described myself undertaking but I'm really not all that knowledgeable when it comes to cvs.


If it helps any, I will probably be doing most of my dev work from within another OS chrooted into my system.


Any ideas would be MUCH appreciated.

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i cant explain why, how, who or what, etc (version control stuff not my strong point either) and it probably doesnt really relate directly to your problem, but I remember when initially looking for CVS type systems that it was recommended to use SVN (Subversion) instead. Whether SVN has any additional benefits over CVS in terms of your issue, I dont know...

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Yeah... apparently SVN is a newer, more feature rich version control system. However, Ive been using CVS for a while, so I'm kinda used to it and I already have a dedicated CVS server with several other projects on it setup.


PS: After sleeping on this alias idea. I actually don't think it will satisfy my requirements. Theres gotta be something I'm overlooking though... the search continues.

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