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php mobile development


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My guess would be for PDAs.. not so much cellphones... and even so, I doubt many people are running webservers on their PDAs... it's probably more like file processing where you're using local executions of PHP instead of like Java or .NET or some other reduced languages for devices.

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the point is, many/most mobile phones are working like PDA's now - so PDA's really arent such an ancient technology at all. So as for other technologies such as WAP, they're a waste of time nowadays (at least as far as i'm concerned)


And if anything, phone's will be made MORE like computers. Many already run fairly decent browsers. Opera/Firefox, etc are all muscling in to take advantage, with Safari getting in there too.


As with anything similar, you've got to consider your audience. The averge Tom, Dick and Harry really doesnt browse the net on their phone - it's more the exec types. Consider the limitations. Consider the cost.


People who browse on phones currently dont necessarily want/expect the same experience that computers can provide - they just want the info they search for for as cheap as possible, which generally means a much more limited output, limited graphics, not sprayed with Google ads, etc.


Many times, designing sites/content output for a PDA/phone is no different for designing for different screen resolutions, with the addition that maybe you want to scale down the content as well as alter the layout of it.


Last time I checked, BBC News (http://news.bbc.co.uk ) was a pretty good example of everything i've mentioned.

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