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No Internet Connection

The Little Guy

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OK... last night, my foot somehow pulled the cable of my modem out, and turned the power off to my modem, after I pluged it back in, and I can no longer connect to the internet.


I tried to reinstall the software on my router, but it says I have a static IP, when really, I don't, so if I accept the static IP, it asks me to put in:


- IP

- Subnet Mask

- Defalt Gateway


- Primary DNS

- Secodary DNS


When I put in all that information, I get a message saying something about (Im not sure on exact wording):

Wan ip and lan ip subnet mask



I don't know if this is a problem, or not, but when I check my "Local Area Connection", in the "General" tab, in the "Activity" label, I have a lock on the computers, like this image:



anyone know what is wrong?

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We found the answer!!!


The answer is.... I need a new modem!!!


Some how the old one stopped working when I kicked the plug out, Don't ask why, cause I don't know.


The charter guy, switched out my modem with one of his, and he was able to get internet access through his modem but not through mine.


Next he also cleaned up our mess of cables, and splitters.

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