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creating exe from php files


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I've followed your tutorial and tried what it shows but I think my problem is that I've got html and php along and it has more than one file, it has like 12 php files, any suggestion as to what I can do? or am I completely on my own with this problem????

all I need is to create a portable file in such a way that I don't have to be copying all my files to the web server cause it is a desktop application really, and I forgot to mention that I'm kinda new on web development, so any trivial suggestions are more than welcome.....

thanks in advance....

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my php files go something like this:




<form action="index.php" method="GET">

<table border="1px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">









<script language="javascript">

alert ("Esta accion borrara  la informacion actual de la Base de Datos \n y agregara el contenido de este archivo. \n  ");







<script language="javascript">

alert ("Esta acción reemplazara la informacion que ya existe en la Base de Datos \n del Banco por el contenido de este archivo y agregara lo nuevo.  \n  ");







<script language="javascript">

alert ("Esta accion agregara la informacion de este archivo a la Base de Datos \n del Banco sin modificar o borrar lo que ya existe. \n  ");







if($fp=fopen("dir1\CEmp.txt", "a")){


















$i = $_GET["servicio"];







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Why are you using html if you intend to build a desktop app? Html needs to be rendered by a browser, and browsers do not enterpret PHP. PHP-GTK is used to build desktop apps with php. It wont be standalone however as your users will need to have PHP-GTK installed to be able to use your app.

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am I still able to get a solution???


Yes. If you dont mind the fact that your users will need PHP-GTK. There are other solutions around for making exe files, but this does not necessarily mean desktop applications. Of course, you could probably combine PHP-GTK and some other exe creator to build a complete standalone desktop app, but I'de suggest you start by making your application a true desktop app with PHP-GTK first.

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