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[SOLVED] Store PHP code in a table


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Hi there,

I have been trying to store a snippet of PHP code in a table and failing! I have tried every technique suggested before posting this and I feel completely deflated. A great idea for what I need to do with it but now it has been a complete waste of time. Any help would be much appreciated!


Here is just a very small piece of the the code I am trying to store...


require("../includes/cn.php");$title = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['title']);$first_name = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['first_name']);$middle_name = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['middle_name']);$surname = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['surname']);


It is in one continous line so it is easier to manage when inserting but any method I have used have been unsuccessful. One if the errors is below...


Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING'


to name but one. I have used htmlentities, mysql_escape_string, str_replace, htmlspecialchars and stripslashes all in different sequences but none work. It seems to fail when a double quote and single quote are in the same string.... >:(


Again, any help would be appreciated.




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you can store just about anything in a string but you have to put    \      before any special character, something like:




this may seem odd but it escapes any type of character and stores it as string....

not sure if this is what you need but hope it'll help

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Hi there epic_era thanks for replying!


Ah..I didnt realise that $ needed to be escaped!! OK - this is starting to make more sense. So I have to do a mysql_escape_string on the string then insert. Regardless if mysql_escape_string is in the string already.


Again, thanks a mil for your time!!

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hey epic_era,


sorry about this but I tried your suggestion


$string1 = mysql_escape_string("$title = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['title']);");

echo $string1;


and I am getting this error...


Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING'


Am I missing something obvious here ??? ???





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Thanks for that. That worked fine but I need to dynamically place the \ before the $. I have tried str_replace and I have recieved the same error as below...


Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING'


code used...


$string1 = str_replace("$","\$","$title = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['title']);");

$atring2 = mysql_escape_string($string1);

echo $string2;


Any more ideas?


P.S. With regard to $HTTP_POST_VARS I do know that but I am working with code I did not develop

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Easier to use single quotes then. eg;


$string1 = mysql_escape_string('$title = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS[\'title\']);');


This way you don't have to worry about escaping special chars at all (excepting single quotes obviously).

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hi thorpe, thanks for replying. Maybe I am not explaining myself too good. I have a string that will contain $, ', " and pretty much anything else. I will need to escape all these characters before the insert. Now what will or can I incapsulate the string in so I can escape these or what order can I start the str_replace or equivalent function to stop getting errors when performing escaping the special characters.


This is a typical string I will be working with...


require("../includes/cn.php");$name = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['name']);$contact_name = mysql_escape_string($HTTP_POST_VARS['contact_name']);


As you can see this string contains the characters mentioned above. If I contain it in a ' or a " then its gonna cause an error. Just a thought, will I have to treat each line seperately i.e. require("../includes/cn.php"); and escape it...then do the next line etc.???



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I know what your trying to do, but, the whole problem is your generating php errors, not mysql ones. mysql_real_esacpe_string will suffice for escaping ' and " as required by mysql, however, for you to be able to form these stringhs in valid php you'll also need to manually escape these chars. eg; If your entire string is enclosed in double quotes, you will need to escape double quotes and $. if your entire string is enclosed in single quotes, you will need to escape single quotes and $.

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