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How do you Concentrate?


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I find that if I shut my door, and play some rock music I can program for hours. Yeah get some Godsmack, Korn, Disturbed or even Linkin Park (Yes I know LP, but I like their music...) Mainly Godsmack and Korn.. Actually, Rammstein ist auch gut.

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Thanks i also think of that also.


I'm working at home and distraction is my biggest problem.


I think i need to master concentration.


I also found this link maybe this will help me.



I also think to take illegal drugs to focus my mind. LOL  :D just kidding.


any other inputs? thanks.



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depends what your distractions are.


if it's your family, you need to discuss with them that they MUST leave you alone whilst you work - not even to ask you for a cup of tea or anything from the shop, etc.


for general working at home, give yourself a proper start time and finish time and stick to them. there's nothing wrong with going through the "getting ready for work" process even if you only work in the back office or whatever. I cant remember exactly who, but I remember reading that an artist (possibly Van Gogh) used to get ready, kiss his wife goodbye, walk around the block and back home which signified the start of his day. ok, so maybe overkill - but you do need to get into the right frame of mind. working from home in general takes MUCH more discipline than working for an employer.


give yourself also some time before and after work to wind up (getting your day/targets/times prepared) and wind down (tie up lose ends, prepare for following day, etc) so that you're not constantly thinking about work or that "it'll be ok, i'll leave this til tomorrow and go and play on the playstation or go out with friends" etc.


everyone's different at the end of the day, so you need to quickly find what works best for you.

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