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phpMailer email returns


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Hi i'm hoping this is a fairly simple question that somebody will have some knowledge or idea of.  :)


I've got phpMailer rigged up to send out to a mail list (so far of only around 10,000). I sent a mailout to around 3000 properly formed but known to be dead email addresses to test how returns work with my code. When i send out the mails i send each mail individually in order to personalise them. Now this all works fine. The problem is if i send out 3000 dead emails i can get up to 5000 returns a lot simply identical duplicates (sometimes up to 10 of the same mail come back) surely this isn't right?


So the question is could phpMailer be responsible for this? I'm really desperate to sort this out but i've got no idea what could be causing this. Could it simply be that the people i send to servers are sending back 10 mails?


If anyone knows what could cause this your ideas would be fantastic. I can post code but i'm not sure if that would help??


Many thanks

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Possibly your mail server is choking.  I'd suggest adding a short periodic delay in your mail sending loop.


...send one mail
if ($sent==100) {
    $sent = 0;
    sleep(1); // have a one second nap so server rests

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Hi there sorry to throw a spanner in the works but your using php as a mailer to email to meny emails.


You sholud use a dedecated mailing program.


I have based away till hands go blue and fingers go red to design a mailing code for php to

email around 30.000 users long time back and there was so many problams i gave up.


what the solution?


In my case i got a free dos sheel program and redesigned that shell program to import

my email's from the database and use exec and cron to send batch emails to clients with php.


95 persent sucess rate but saying that you could use old javascript and php to get the job

done but not as good as a stand alone process.




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