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Site/Server Donations?


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All right, a side from php and mysql scripting I play Battlefield 2142 and just rented a ranked server. Found a good server, 20 slots for $40 a month. I can handle $40 a month, I've got a few of my buddies who live down the street to chip in. Well as my server becomes more known and as I pull in more "regulars" I would like to take donations so we could get more features with the server, like more slots or VOIP. So I'm wondering, who here has a site that takes donations? How do you set it up?


I have a paypal account and I was checking out the "Donations" page but they say they want information about tax exempt originations and what not. I'm not sure exactly what they need, or how to register. Any help?

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Personally, I just put a donations page on my website where people can donate at into my paypal account.

I don't make them register, but if they are registered then I mark their account as a donor so everyone can know they helped.:)

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That's what I was thinking. The entire site is still under construction but I got the forums up. My only concern are taxes at the end of the year... but my plan was to record the amount of donations and save them to the database. I know how much I need and I know how much PayPal charges so I figure after the donation amount exceeds the monthly cost the donate is disabled. Of course I'd have a notification in place, something like:


"Thank you every one who donated. Our monthly target has been reached!"


I'm also using the SMF Boards. I really like them over PHPNuke and PHPBB. It also look professional like the IP Boards. So if any one know any mod for the board, donation wise, please let me know.



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I was thinking that too actually. A little worried that no one would notice the Donate Image. Thanks guys. I think i will leave it open. My other thought was to offer reserved slots to the top 4 or 5 donaters so they can all way's play even if the server is full.

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