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I have moved my site (Daily-Sudoku.org) to a new server, and would like some people around the world to please test it and see how fast it loads for you.







Please post your location, and about how fast it loaded.


Thanks for the help.





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~ 5 seconds



~3 seconds



~3 seconds



Canada, Quebec


The content loaded quickly, the images took the longest.


Try to get the images as lowest as possible, since they take "forever" to load. The 'face' image has over 70kb... and some of the others have 30kb... that's just way to mutch.


JPGs can have 51% quality without being too bad.

(depends on some factors, just 'play' with the image software)

And if even at 51% they are still too big, re-consider the all thing.

http://www.daily-sudoku.org/ - 11.427s - 2.215s

http://www.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/tournament.php?t_id=6 - 4.672s - 2.322s

http://www.daily-sudoku.org/sudoku/monster.php?t_id=2 - 4.665s - 2.205s


First time is with empty cache, second time is with full cache.


The first page is quite large (415.7 kb) to download.


Location: Denmark

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