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Copy text from one field to another.

The Little Guy

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OK. this function is supposed to take the title that is typed into the title field, then add the word to the keywords box.

it does it, but it does it wired, if you copy the two snippets to a document, then try  it, it does something weird, that I can not really explain... please help.


	<script type="text/javascript">
	function addToKeyWords(){
		var title = document.getElementById('title').value;
		var keywords = document.getElementById('key').value;
		document.getElementById('key').value = '';
		document.getElementById('key').value = title+' '+keywords;



			<form action="process/uploadGame" method="get">
			<p><input type="file" name="swf" /></p>
			<p>Title:<br /><input id="title" onkeyup="javascript:addToKeyWords();" type="text" name="title" /></p>
			<p>Keywords (<em>Spererated by spaces, 4 letter minimum words</em>):
			<br /><textarea id="key" name="keywords"></textarea></p>
			<input type="submit" name="search" value="Upload" />

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the problem is its running the function on every key stroke.


instead of using onKeyUp, why not use something like onBlur.  Then after the user has entered the title, when they click on any other field, it will run your function correctly.


<p>Title:<br /><input id="title"  onblur="addToKeyWords();" type="text" name="title" /></p>

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Your other option would be to use a throttle.  In the onkeyup event, set a timer to a lambda function that does the actual work with a timeout of 500ms, or half a second.  On each keyup event, cancel the timer if it is already present.  Essentially what you'd be doing is on every keyup telling JS to run a function half a second from now, but the only way it'd actually run is if the user stopped typing for at least half a second.

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Your other option would be to use a throttle.  In the onkeyup event, set a timer to a lambda function that does the actual work with a timeout of 500ms, or half a second.  On each keyup event, cancel the timer if it is already present.  Essentially what you'd be doing is on every keyup telling JS to run a function half a second from now, but the only way it'd actually run is if the user stopped typing for at least half a second.


this method would also work, but personally, i think it might be over kill on the coding side PLUS, what if the user is a slow typer? or takes a few moments to think of how to spell the word? it would cause the same problem you're having now.


with the onBlur() method, at somepoint the user will have to click out of the field -- either to type in another field or to click the submit buttom -- and at that point, the function will run.

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