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'Active' web pages


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Hi all, me again.



I'm hoping to get working on a new site which will be better looking than a bog standard non moving page. There's one thing I'd like to know:


How to I make small images fly around the screen then stop in a certain place then have an "Enter" button appaear. If you didn't understand that go to www.kikikannibal.com a site an online friend of mine made. She told me it was mainly done in javascript.


I've searched all the tags I can think off but I haven't found anything.


All help is appreciated.



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your friends page is done in javascript and flash.  here's the html of that page:



<title>Kiki Kannibal</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="loadimages.js"></script>


<body bgcolor="#FF99FF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" valign="middle">


<embed src="intro.swf" width="800" height="500">



--notice the embed tag, that's how it's all done and it's flash

--the javascript file above, 'loadimages.js' only contains this code:

home = new Image(18,154)

home.src = "images/home_over.gif"

shop = new Image(16,153)

shop.src = "images/shop_over.gif"

pics = new Image(16,153)

pics.src = "images/pics_over.gif"

about = new Image(18,153)

about.src = "images/about_over.gif"

contact = new Image(20,153)

contact.src = "images/contact_over.gif"

--the js only preloads the images, all the real action takes place in the flash file

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I don't understand why you want all those cool effects. The load was incredibly suuupppper long. I already left after the second load. I have dsl and that's pretty fast. I suggest trying to make something less "flash-(y)."  :D


And you said that your laptop only has 20gb? Well then, better get started with what I said!  :o8)

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I shoulda mentioned that I was gonna get a new laptop soon. This piece of crap was originally made for '98 and I'm running XP  >.<


I'm hoping to do a new site that involves flash and javascript. I'm sure you'll agree that HTML does get a little boring after a few years.



Going kinda off and on subject. If you have an ideas for an enter page then please lemme know.

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HTML does get a little boring after a few years.

actually this is where a lot of designers make a mistake some stuff should be made with HTML and CSS only because it sinply loads faster and if its done in the right way you can obtain your information quicker. Often I want my information quick and readable instead of a labyrinth of crappy flash effects.

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HTML does get a little boring after a few years.

actually this is where a lot of designers make a mistake some stuff should be made with HTML and CSS only because it sinply loads faster and if its done in the right way you can obtain your information quicker. Often I want my information quick and readable instead of a labyrinth of crappy flash effects.



What I meant by it getting boring is that it's the only code I've been using and nothing else so I wanna upgrade so to speak. Of course I'll continuue to use HTML, I just want some active pages, even if it's text mouseover effects.

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Sadly thogh I can't do a flash file cos my laptop has only 20gb harddrive. Sucks big time
you don't need a big hard drive to do flash.  They are not flash videos like on youtube, they are flash vector graphics meant to load fast for animations (still takes some expertise to actually accomplish that).  A 20 gig hard drive should be fine for development of flash vector graphics, all you need is the software.
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