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Im a bit of a PHP novice so any advice would be great, I have a website written quite a while ok which is being migrated to a new server which contains a new install of php.


This has bought to light a few problems with the php code which my host has pointed out to me,


one such example is the code; which dosent get executed any more


if($REQUEST_METHOD=="POST" && isset($submit_x))



Im told this is no longer valid on PHP 5.1.6 , my questions is, is this easy to fix, is it a big rewite, or just a few code changes.



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if($REQUEST_METHOD=="POST" && isset($submit_x)) {


if(!empty($_POST['POST'] && isset($submit_x)) {


would be the immediate change...


..However I imagine that your code is written for 'register_globals' being on (a setting in php.ini)

which automatically makes things like session variables, form posts and url pieces into variables...

so if you go to


then $id is automatically set: $id=4;

where as now there is a seperation between such variables: they are accessed by:

$_GET['id'] // for URL things

$_POST['id'] //for POST form submission

$_SESSION['id'] //for session data.


Truthfully you ought to re write the code to reflect the revised best practice, but if you can persuade your host to turn register_globals back on (which they understandably may not want to) then it would probably be a quick fix.


Register globals info is here:



There may also be other older code in there which no longer is valid; I would recommend a good read of this page:



As was explained, your problems are all down to register_globals.


Just thought i would add that the $REQUEST_METHOD variable is part of the $_SERVER superglobal array. So, with register_globals on, you would access its contents with $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

As was explained, your problems are all down to register_globals.


Just thought i would add that the $REQUEST_METHOD variable is part of the $_SERVER superglobal array. So, with register_globals on, you would access its contents with $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];


Thanks for your comments so far, I have indeed tried the $SEVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; but it didnt seem to work, everything after the IF statment is ignored when the submit button is pressed





$message = "";


if($REQUEST_METHOD=="POST" && isset($submit_x))



And the form code is , does the $PHP_SELF self part need changing?


<form name="frm" method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>">





I would change your if statement to:




Again, due to register_globals being off, the variable submit_x isn't defined. It is contained within the $_POST superglobal array. You'll need to change all of your variables that are from your form to be taken from the $_POST array.


The reason why i dropped the request method part of your if statement is that if something is set inside the $_POST array, then the method is going to be post.

No its not a lot of code here is the php part, the bit i havent posted is just the html form which is below the php.. the problem is it just seems to ignore everything in (If statment) ..thanks



$message = "";

if($REQUEST_METHOD=="POST" && isset($submit_x))
	$message .= "Please enter your username.<br>";
	$message .= "Please enter your password.<br>";
	$message .= "Please confirm your password.<br>";
if(!empty($vchPassword) && !empty($vchRePassword))
	if(trim($vchPassword) != trim($vchRePassword))
		$message .= "Passwords don't match.<br>";
	$message .= "Please enter your e-mail address.";


	//check for the existence of the username and the password
	$exist = GiveValue("count(intMemberID) as cnt","tblMembers"," where vchUserName = '".$vchUserName."'",0);

	$exist1 = GiveValue("count(intMemberID) as cnt","tblMembers"," where vchEmail = '".$vchEmail."'",0);

	//print $exist;
	if($exist>0 || $exist1>0)
		$message = "Duplicate username or e-mail address. Please try again";
		$sql = "insert into tblMembers(vchUserName,vchPassword,vchEmail,chStatus,dtAdded) values('$vchUserName','$vchPassword','$vchEmail','D',now())";
		//print $sql;
		$MID = mysql_insert_id();

			//send email
			$myname = "New Zealand Stays";
			$myemail = "[email protected]";
			$contactname = $vchUserName;
			$contactemail = $vchEmail;
			$strmessage = "Dear $contactname,<br/><br/>Thank you for registering on Newzealandstays, please confirm your registration by clicking on the following link to activate your membership account - <br><br><a href='http://$HTTP_HOST/confirm.php?user=$MID'>http://$HTTP_HOST/confirm.php?user=$MID</a><br><br>After confirmation you can use the members area to log-in and add your property on the website.<br><br>Regards,<br>Newzealandstays Administrator<br><br><a href='http://$HTTP_HOST'>$HTTP_HOST</a>";
			$subject = "Confirmation email from - ".$HTTP_HOST;
			$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
			$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
			$headers .= "From: ".$myname." <$myemail>\n";
			$headers .= 'Cc: [email protected]' . "\n";
			mail($contactemail, $subject, $strmessage, $headers);
			$message = "A confirmation email has been sent to the email address you provided, please check your email and confirm your registration. Thank you";
			//print $strmessage;



Let me explain what "register globals" does....

In the standard set up of PHP5, all posted form variables, url strings and session info is put into arrays called $_POST, $_GET and $_SESSION respectively...

So in your script there are variables called $_POST['vchEmail'] - which the script expects to be called $vchEmail...

so you need to identify every variable whichcame from a script, and rename it....


I would image your final script to be:



$message = "";

	$message .= "Please enter your username.<br>";
	$message .= "Please enter your password.<br>";
	$message .= "Please confirm your password.<br>";
if(!empty($_REQUEST['vchPassword']) && !empty($_REQUEST['vchRePassword']))
	if(trim($_REQUEST['vchPassword']) != trim($_REQUEST['vchRePassword']))
		$message .= "Passwords don't match.<br>";
	$message .= "Please enter your e-mail address.";


	//check for the existence of the username and the password
	$exist = GiveValue("count(intMemberID) as cnt","tblMembers"," where vchUserName = '".$_REQUEST['vchUserName']."'",0);

	$exist1 = GiveValue("count(intMemberID) as cnt","tblMembers"," where vchEmail = '".$_REQUEST['vchEmail']."'",0);

	//print $exist;
	if($exist>0 || $exist1>0)
		$message = "Duplicate username or e-mail address. Please try again";
		$sql = "insert into tblMembers(vchUserName,vchPassword,vchEmail,chStatus,dtAdded) values('$_REQUEST['vchUserName']','$_REQUEST['vchPassword']','$_REQUEST['vchEmail']','D',now())";
		//print $sql;
		$MID = mysql_insert_id();

			//send email
			$myname = "New Zealand Stays";
			$myemail = "[email protected]";
			$contactname = $_REQUEST['vchUserName'];
			$contactemail = $_REQUEST['vchEmail'];
			$strmessage = "Dear $contactname,<br/><br/>Thank you for registering on Newzealandstays, please confirm your registration by clicking on the following link to activate your membership account - <br><br><a href='http://$HTTP_HOST/confirm.php?user=$MID'>http://$HTTP_HOST/confirm.php?user=$MID</a><br><br>After confirmation you can use the members area to log-in and add your property on the website.<br><br>Regards,<br>Newzealandstays Administrator<br><br><a href='http://$HTTP_HOST'>$HTTP_HOST</a>";
			$subject = "Confirmation email from - ".$HTTP_HOST;
			$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
			$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
			$headers .= "From: ".$myname." <$myemail>\n";
			$headers .= 'Cc: [email protected]' . "\n";
			mail($contactemail, $subject, $strmessage, $headers);
			$message = "A confirmation email has been sent to the email address you provided, please check your email and confirm your registration. Thank you";
			//print $strmessage;




but you do need to check this.


I have used $_REQUEST, a combination of $_POST and $_GET, which should work for you.

Well are you doing a mod_rewrite or is the file being called included through a different file?


Remember PHP thinks PHP_SELF is the original script. So if you have a mod_rewrite to send let's say www.yourdomin.com/help to www.yourdomain.com/main.php?action=help  well the main.php is going to be the php_self file, not help/index.php


Just a little fyi.

Yes thanks i have tried that, no joy..


I even got the hosting company to turn register back on, but still the form will only work with php_self part removed..


??? I give up..

Rather than turn regsiter_globals on you should set error_reporting to E_ALL  and turn display_errors on. That way PHP will spit out errors if there is any when the script runs.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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