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System administration book


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i am going to be getting a VPS in the near future and would like to get a good book on system administration.  if possible it should contain: how to set the server up for LAMP development, configuring apache, php, mysql etc; setup and usage of openSSL and openSSH.  i have never had to set up or maintain a server before so the book really needs to start at the beginning.  any recommendations?



thanks for your help

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Do you know what Linux distribution you are going to use?


If you choose Ubuntu or Fedora for example, there are sys admin books specifically for this OS, and will help a lot. Typically you cant go wrong getting an O'Reilly published book.


I personally learned LAMP and the individual setting up of services from a combination of web Guides and how-tos. I'd research 3 or 4 installation methods of a particular component, and then pick the most relevant and accurate guide.



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cheers for the reply, i don't really trying to learn a whole new area like that though, i have found from past experience that it leaves you with a patchy knowledge of what you are trying to learn, i find tutorials etc better once you actually have a solid grounding in a technology

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You probably can't go far past the Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition book as far as system administration is concerned even if it is a little dated. Unfortunately though, system administration and LAMP administration are two different (though maybe overlapping) topics that I can't see being covered together in any great detail.


Learn to administer a Linux system first, from there, the *amp stack is just like installing and configuring any other software. You'll just need to look carefully at your security considerations.

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