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Directory redirect


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Having trouble with a redirect I haven't had to handle before. My site is setup as www.mysite.com. The site will only respond to requests coming into the application formed that way.


I have redirects setup so that mysite.com, thisismysite.com and www.thisismysite.com are all redirected to www.mysite.com. These redirects along with a bunch of other redirects are part of a virtual host all setup on one IP. The real host is setup on a different IP. Unfortunately, someone in marketing decided to publish something in print that has www.thisismysite.com/resource1 as the link for a resource.




  ServerName www.thisismysite.com

  ServerAlias thisismysite.com mysite.com

  RedirectMatch ^/$ http://www.mysite.com





  DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/

  Servername files.mysite.com

  Include conf/hosts/



How do I redirect all requests that come into www.thisismysite.com/resource1 and thisismysite.com/resource1 to go to www.mysite.com/resource1 instead?


I really appreciate the help.



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Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't the root folder of www.thisismysite.com and thisismysite.com the same folder, and also the same folder as that for mysite.com? It appears this is a single site with Aliases, not 3 separate sites.


If so, I would expect


Redirect 301 /resource1 http://www.mysite.com/resource1


in the shared directory to cause an error as it will never resolve.


Assuming they all do share a common directory, I might use something like this:


RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^thisismysite\.com$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^resource1$ http://www.mysite.com/resource1 [R=301,L]


RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.thisismysite\.com$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^resource1$ http://www.mysite.com/resource1 [R=301,L]


Please let me know if this is wrong!




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Aye - that redirect suggestion I gave will not work.


Without me going away and testing it, does:

RedirectMatch ^/$ http://www.mysite.com


not redirect all of www.thisismysite.com/blah to www.mysite.com/blah ?

And therefore will www.thisismysite.com/resource1 not be automatically redirected to http://www.mysite.com/resource1


You could also try this instead:



  ServerName www.thisismysite.com

  ServerAlias thisismysite.com mysite.com

  Redirect 301 / http://www.mysite.com/



That will forward any url, e.g. somesite.com/blah/blah to www.site.com/blah/blah



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The apache server actually hands off the site request to a JBOSS server to dynamically generate the site. The JBOSS server needs to get the request in the www.mysite.com format all other formats (mysite.com, www.thisismysite.com) will throw a error if not redirected to the actual site name.


The example given below should work so that at least the request will be redirected to www.mysite.com and not fail.


  ServerName www.thisismysite.com

  ServerAlias thisismysite.com mysite.com

  Redirect 301 / http://www.mysite.com/



But what I really need to know is whenever a request comes in for anything aside from www.mysite.com (i.e. mysite.com or thisismysite.com) replace those site names with www.mysite.com.


For example


goes to





is redirected to



As there are 1000s of resoures on our site it isn't possible for me to setup a redirect for each resource. I really appreciate the help, this board has been quite helpful.

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  ServerName www.thisismysite.com

  ServerAlias thisismysite.com mysite.com

  Redirect 301 / http://www.mysite.com/




  ServerName www.mysite.com

  DocumentRoot /var/www/



This will do as you want. EOF.



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I gave that a shot unfortunetly it doesn't work in my setup. We are using mod_jk to hand off requests to our JBOSS CDA cluster.


This is why I need the request to be rewritten.

It must be passed off to the jboss server with www.mysite.com/whatever as the request.


So if we accidently advertise something as mysite.com/whatever and people go to that site we need the request rewritten to www.mysite.com/whatever when it comes in. That way the JBOSS CDA knows what content to deliver.


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