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I got a bunch of audio books on hypnotism and have been listening to them to try and get hypnotized. I can't tell if it is working or not.


What are your guys opinions on hypnotism?

Try getting yourself hypnotized to think that you are a bird. Then, if you end up thinking you are a bird, you will know that it has worked! :)
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note that hypnotism is, as far as i know, a subconscious method.  if you NOTICE it working or not working, it has risen to the conscious level, losing its effect (or at least making it no longer an effect of hypnotism).  someone who has been hypnotized to think they're a bird shouldn't know that they were hypnotized to do so.

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"A woman undergoing psychotherapy facilitated by hypnosis attempted to use the procedures she had learned to relieve her husband's dental pain. During the deepening technique of arm levitation' date=' her husband's fingertips 'stuck' to his head, and a therapist had to intervene to end the trance state." [sup'][30][/sup]

Haha :D

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