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PHP or .NET ?


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so im a recent graduate from college, i just finished 3 years studying as a programmer and did everything from vb, c#, asp.net, java, jsp, some directx 3d stuff and my favourite one PHP!



I already wrk for a small firm here in toronto doing mostly php, now i have been only working for three months but im not sure if i should forget about .NET and focus on developing my career and skills around the PHP platform.


what does the future look like in regrads to PHP vs ASP.NET? since i plan to stay in web dev


will it ever get to the point were PHP jobs will pay as much as .NET jobs?


wats the most i can expect to get paid i.e. a senior php developer salary?




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All depends on the area and how the market goes.  At least in the US, you'll probably find 10 to 1 more .NET or Java jobs as opposed to PHP jobs.  PHP is the freelancer's baby. 


Salary is again an "area" based question.  My current job (Systems Analyst) in the right market/company would pay me twice as much.  Go figure.

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PHP is definitely better then ASP, but there are a lot of extremely old-fashioned backwards companies out there that aren't capable of understanding this, so there will probably be some clients that can't benefit from your PHP skills. No big deal though. You get the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that you are using free, open source, operating system independent, more secure and faster language, which more then makes up for it :)

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