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Anyone bought any cool gadgets recently?


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I love my gadgets, and normally purchase something expensive and electronic once or twice a month (I can't help it!) - I recently picked up a Blackberry 8800 a few weeks back and am loving it! I've never had a phone that can receive my e-mail properly before and the QWERTY keypad is just great! It's also my first non-Nokia phone I have ever had, and the transition was easy. It's really quite thin and light-weight for what it is too, the absence of a camera probably contributed to that (who the hell uses those cameras anyway?!). In conclusion, my email accounts (yeah, plural) and web browsing on the move - Ace. Being British, Blackberrys aren't as popular over here as they are in the States, I hope it catches on over here a bit more...


Anyone else bought anything cool recently?

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