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This forum is too quiet.. we need to advertise it.

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Can you post links to specific unanswered posts? I bet more times then not they are, for lack of a better word, retarded. Now as far as advertising I don't really see a point in doing that. I did a few  searches  on google with the following search terms:


Search            Phpfreaks rank in result

php help          #1


php forums      #3


php tutorials    #5


php oop help    #1 and #2


php oop tutorials    #1



We also have a google page rank of 5/10 and have an average of 688 posts with 135 topics each day with a total of 52572 users. Now that is a 5:1 ratio of posts to topics. What that says to me is that there are a great many more replies then posts.

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It's not the lack of replies I'm talking about.. even though that's what I said, what I meant was the amount of time it takes to get a reply.


What amount of time are we talking? If you're wishing you never had to wait more than a few hours, then you need to find an IRC channel (##phpfreaks on irc.freenode.net is our IRC channel). The "standard" response time I've seen on all of the forums I've been on is usually a few hours, and maybe on a slow day, I'd have to wait until the next day. I've never had a problem with waiting that long.

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It depends on what board you're posting in as well.  I don't have time to run the numbers, but I think most posts in PHP Help get answered often within MINUTES. 


I'd suggest that if you're not getting responses quickly enough, the problem is either over complicated or you're posting too much code.  Maybe it's not our response time but you're inability to ask questions properly that is the problem here.

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