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php, ajax and phpmailer


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Hi everyone,


I am using php ajax succesfully, now i wish to add ajax functiionality to attachments, here is my php code mail attachment function which works fine.


but i am wondering how to incorporate this with ajax. Usually i am calling myajaxrequest("FILENAME.PHP="ID=$id). how do i pass $_FILES['images']['name'] in my ajax function.


function uploadFile() {
global $attachments;
while(list($key,$value) = each($_FILES['images']['name']))
$filename = $value;
array_push($attachments, $filename);
$dir = "uploads/$filename";
$success = copy($_FILES['images']['tmp_name'][$key], $dir);
if ($success) {
echo "<p align='center'>Files Uploaded Successfully</p><BR>";
else {
echo "<br></br><hr></hr><br></br><table width='100%' align='center' color='Blue'><tr><td>Sorry the server was unable to upload the files</td></tr>";
echo "<tr align='center'><td>Mailer Error:  . $mail->ErrorInfo</td></tr>";
echo "<tr aling='center'><td><a href='editservice.php'>Back to Email Form</a></td></tr></table>";

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Very good question. When passing files via HTTP Requests, there's a whole new animal that crops up. I would highly recommend you use a JS library such as the YUI lib to do this sort of transaction. Take a look at this example to see how easily you can come up with something that uploads files.


Hope this helps!

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Erm.. i didn't think AJAX could do $_FILE requests, but only POST & GET!

but i'll have a read as well!


That's exactly what AJAX is: it allows you to send an HTTP request via POST or GET (either one, mind you) to a script behind the scenes and return the result to your page. That in mind, anything you can do with a standard form via POST or GET can be done via an AJAX call if your script is handled properly.

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Even i thought it can be done using frames, however, i wish to send the filename to ajax and on backend the receiving file phpupload.php file should upload, i can't see any possibility using ajax.  You know what i mean doing same like googlemail attachments.


obsidian seems to know the way for this functionality, we wish if he could direct us using simple ajax request rather than yahoo tools.

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This is what i got but its freezez up.  If this works, than i have to incorporate this in my email.php form.

Hope this could help someone like me and would be able to


$upload_dir = "C:/Program Files/Apache2/mail/uploads"; 
$web_upload_dir = "/mail/uploads"; 
$tf = $upload_dir.'/'.md5(rand()).".test";
$f = @fopen($tf, "w");
if ($f == false) 
    die("Fatal error! {$upload_dir} is not writable. Set 'chmod 777 {$upload_dir}'
        or something like this");
if (isset($_POST['fileframe'])) 
    $result = 'ERROR';
    $result_msg = 'No FILE field found';

    if (isset($_FILES['file']))  // file was send from browser
        if ($_FILES['file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)  // no error
            $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; // file name 
            move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir.'/'.$filename);
            // main action -- move uploaded file to $upload_dir 
            $result = 'OK';
        elseif ($_FILES['file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE)
            $result_msg = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini';
            $result_msg = 'Unknown error';

    echo '<html><head><title>-</title></head><body>';
    echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">'."\n";
    echo 'var parDoc = window.parent.document;';
    if ($result == 'OK')
        echo 'parDoc.getElementById("upload_status").value = "file successfully uploaded";';
        echo 'parDoc.getElementById("filename").value = "'.$filename.'";';
        echo 'parDoc.getElementById("filenamei").value = "'.$filename.'";';
        echo 'parDoc.getElementById("upload_button").disabled = false;';
        echo 'parDoc.getElementById("upload_status").value = "ERROR: '.$result_msg.'";';

    echo "\n".'</script></body></html>';

    exit(); // do not go futher 
// FILEFRAME section END

function safehtml($s)
    $s=str_replace("&", "&", $s);
    $s=str_replace("<", "<", $s);
    $s=str_replace(">", ">", $s);
    $s=str_replace("'", "'", $s);
    $s=str_replace("\"", """, $s);
    return $s;

if (isset($_POST['description']))
    $filename = $_POST['filename'];
    $size = filesize($upload_dir.'/'.$filename);
    $date = date('r', filemtime($upload_dir.'/'.$filename));
    $description = safehtml($_POST['description']);

    // Let's generate file information page
$html =<<<END
<html><head><title>{$filename} [uploaded by IFRAME Async file uploader]</title></head>
<p>This is a file information page for your uploaded file. Bookmark it, or send to anyone...</p>
<p>Date: {$date}</p>
<p>Size: {$size} bytes</p>
<p><a href="{$web_upload_dir}/{$filename}" style="font-size: large;">download file</a><br>
<a href="{$PHP_SELF}" style="font-size: small;">back to file uploading</a><br>
<a href="{$web_upload_dir}/upload-log.html" style="font-size: small;">upload-log</a></p>
<br><br>Example by <a href="http://www.anyexample.com/">AnyExample</a>
    // save HTML 
    $f = fopen($upload_dir.'/'.$filename.'-desc.html', "w");
    fwrite($f, $html);
    $msg = "File {$filename} uploaded, 
           <a href='{$web_upload_dir}/{$filename}-desc.html'>see file information page</a>";

    // Save to file upload-log 
    $f = fopen($upload_dir."/upload-log.html", "a");
    fwrite($f, "<p>$msg</p>\n");

    // setting result message to cookie  
    setcookie('msg', $msg); 
    // redirecting to the script main page 
    // we're doing so, to avoid POST form reposting  
    // this method of outputting messages is called 'flash' in Ruby on Rails  
    header("Location: http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$PHP_SELF); 
    // redirect was send, so we're exiting now

// retrieving message from cookie 
if (isset($_COOKIE['msg']) && $_COOKIE['msg'] != '')  
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) 
        $msg = stripslashes($_COOKIE['msg']); 
        $msg = $_COOKIE['msg'];
    setcookie('msg', ''); 
<!-- Beginning of main page -->
<title>IFRAME Async file uploader example</title>
if (isset($msg)) // this is special section for outputing message 
    echo '<p style="font-weight: bold;">'.$msg.'</p>';
<h1>Upload file:</h1>
<p>File will begin to upload just after selection. </p>
<p>You may write file description, while you file is being uploaded.</p>

<form action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>" target="upload_iframe" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="fileframe" value="true">
<label for="file">text file uploader:</label><br>
<!-- JavaScript is called by OnChange attribute -->
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" onChange="jsUpload(this)">
<script type="text/javascript">
/* This function is called when user selects file in file dialog */
function jsUpload(upload_field)
    var re_text = /\.txt|\.pdf|\.gif/i;
    var filename = upload_field.value;
    if (filename.search(re_text) == -1)
        alert("File does not have text(txt, pdf, gif) extension");
        return false;

    document.getElementById('upload_status').value = "uploading file...";
    upload_field.disabled = true;
    return true;
<iframe name="upload_iframe" style="width: 400px; height: 100px; display: none;">
<!-- For debugging purposes, it's often useful to remove
     "display: none" from style="" attribute -->

Upload status:<br>
<input type="text" name="upload_status" id="upload_status" 
       value="not uploaded" size="64" disabled>

File name:<br>
<input type="text" name="filenamei" id="filenamei" value="none" disabled>

<form action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>" method="POST">
<!-- one field is "disabled" for displaying-only. Other, hidden one is for 
    sending data -->
<input type="hidden" name="filename" id="filename">

<label for="photo">File description:</label><br>
<textarea rows="5" cols="50" name="description"></textarea>

<input type="submit" id="upload_button" value="save file" disabled>
<a href="<?=$web_upload_dir?>/upload-log.html">upload-log</a>

Example by <a href="http://www.anyexample.com/">AnyExample</a>

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