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[SOLVED] Calculating length of a streak


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I have a sports website and I want to calculate the length of a team's streak whether it be a win, loss, or a tie.  So I retreive the array that has all of the teams outcomes and then reverse it.  This where I ran into the problem because I not sure what will work to get my desired result.  Here is what I tried:

$array = array("win", "win", "win", "tie", "win", "win", "tie", "loss", "tie", "win" );

$array1 = array_reverse($array);

$i = 1;

$outcome = $array1[0];

while ($outcome == $array1[$i])	

if ($array1[0] > 1)	
echo "$i $array1[0] s";

echo "$i $array1[0]"; 



The array above is just the test array I am using to see if the code is working but it's not.  What I want is $streak =  3 wins, for this example array.  any help would be great.  Thanks



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I don't know why you would need to reverse it. A steak is the same whether it is goign forwards or backwards. Try this:



$winStreak = 0;
$lossStreak = 0;
$tieStreak = 0;
$tmpWin = 0;
$tmpLoss = 0;
$tmpTie = 0;

$outcomes = array("win", "win", "win", "tie", "win", "win", "tie", "loss", "tie", "win" );

foreach ($outcomes as $outcome) {

  switch ($outcome) {
    case 'win':
      $tmpLoss = 0;
      $tmpTie = 0;
      $winStreak = ($tmpWin>$winStreak)?$tmpWin:$winStreak;
    case 'loss':
      $tmpWin = 0;
      $tmpTie = 0;
      $lossStreak = ($tmpLoss>$lossStreak)?$tmpLoss:$lossStreak;
    case 'tie':
      $tmpWin = 0;
      $tmpLoss = 0;
      $tieStreak = ($tmpTie>$tieStreak)?$tmpTie:$tieStreak;



I'm sure there may be a more efficient solution, but this was the first to come to mind

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Its kinda the same approach as mjdamato's:


$outcomes = array("win", "win", "win", "tie", "win", "win", "tie", "loss", "tie", "win" );
$maxStreak = 0;
$streak = 0;
foreach($outcomes as $value){
if($value == 'win'){
	if($streak > $maxStreak){
		$maxStreak = $streak;
} else{
	$streak = 0;
echo $maxStreak;

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Here, this is a little more compact - I love efficiency



$outcomes = array("win", "win", "win", "tie", "win", "win", "loss", "loss", "tie", "win" );

$outcome_types = array ('win', 'loss', 'tie');
foreach ($outcomes as $outcome) {

  foreach ($outcome_types as $type) {

    $tmp[$type] = ($outcome==$type)? $tmp[$type]+1 : 0 ;
    $streaks[$type] = ($tmp[$type]>$streaks[$type])? $tmp[$type] : $streaks[$type] ;

//Output the results
foreach ($outcome_types as $type) {
  echo "The $type streak is: $streaks[$type]<br>";

// Output:
// The win streak is: 3
// The loss streak is: 2
// The tie streak is: 1


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This will be faster with a larger number of items in the $outcomes array:


for ($i = 0; $i < count($outcomes); $i++) {
if (!$streaks[$outcomes[$i]]) {
	$streaks[$outcomes[$i]] = 1;
	$current_streak = 1;

if ($outcomes[$i] == $outcomes[$i + 1]) {

	if ($current_streak > $streaks[$outcomes[$i]]) {
} else if ($outcomes[$i] != $outcomes[$i + 1]) {
	$current_streak = 1;


With 10 entries, they are about the same, with 100 entries the above is about 2.5 times faster.


$possible = array('win', 'tie', 'loss');

while (count($outcomes) <= 100) {
$outcomes[] = $possible[array_rand($possible)];

$start = microtime();

for ($i = 0; $i < count($outcomes); $i++) {
if (!$streaks[$outcomes[$i]]) {
	$streaks[$outcomes[$i]] = 1;
	$current_streak = 1;

if ($outcomes[$i] == $outcomes[$i + 1]) {

	if ($current_streak > $streaks[$outcomes[$i]]) {
} else if ($outcomes[$i] != $outcomes[$i + 1]) {
	$current_streak = 1;

echo 'completion time for method: ' . (microtime() - $start) . ' seconds<br />Result:';
echo '<pre>' . print_r($streaks, true) . '</pre>';

$start = microtime();

$outcome_types = array ('win', 'loss', 'tie');
foreach ($outcomes as $outcome) {

  foreach ($outcome_types as $type) {

    $tmp[$type] = ($outcome==$type)? $tmp[$type]+1 : 0 ;
    $streaks[$type] = ($tmp[$type]>$streaks[$type])? $tmp[$type] : $streaks[$type] ;

echo 'completion time for method: ' . (microtime() - $start) . ' seconds<br />Result:<br />';
foreach ($outcome_types as $type) {
  echo "The $type streak is: $streaks[$type]<br>";

//echo '<pre>' . print_r($outcomes, true);


increasing the number of entries keeps the ratio about the same.


EDIT: I did test with a larger number of possibilities...6 to be exact: win, loss, tie, one, two, three.  This makes the time difference even larger: almost 5 times faster.  Although I don't know why you would have six possible results.....

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I fixed it GuiltyGear.  Thanks, that works great.  Here's what I did incase you were wondering.

$outcomes = array("win", "win", "win", "tie", "loss", "tie", "win" );

$maxStreak = 0;
$streak = 0;

$a = $outcomes[0];

foreach($outcomes as $value){
if($value == $a){
	if($streak > $maxStreak){
		$maxStreak = $streak;
} else{
	$streak = 0;
echo $maxStreak;

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Ok, I conceded that your process is faster than my 2nd attempt. But, I guess I should have been clearer on what "efficiency" I was after - which was efficiency in code, not necessarily speed.


Were only talking about thousands of a second difference. And, since you brought it up, my original code was about 2 - 3 times faster than the code you posted.

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I fixed it GuiltyGear.  Thanks, that works great.  Here's what I did incase you were wondering.

$outcomes = array("win", "win", "win", "tie", "loss", "tie", "win" );

$maxStreak = 0;
$streak = 0;

$a = $outcomes[0];

foreach($outcomes as $value){
if($value == $a){
	if($streak > $maxStreak){
		$maxStreak = $streak;
} else{
	$streak = 0;
echo $maxStreak;


Do you realize that will only find the longest streak for the first outcome type in the array, not necessarily the longest streak?

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