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[SOLVED] $_POST, $_GET, Sessions, and the "Back" button


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Page 1: The user logs in with employee number and password (their SSN).


Page 2: A main menu displays with Leave History, Paystubs, and Dental reimbursement.


These pages work individually, but how can I link back to the main menu by passing their employee number and SSN back there, without making them have to log in again?


I've tried several methods of $_POST and $_GET. No luck so far.



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Well, use sessions, like you mentioned in the title.


I'm using sessions. For example, on the main menu page, I establish sessions so that they can click the other three pages and these pass fine. For some reason, though, I'm having a problem passing them back to the main menu page.


In other words, they're passing forward just fine but I can't seem to get them to pass back. Do I need to convert a session variable back into a $_POST variable at some point?




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What? What do you mean pass back? We need a specific example with code.


For example, after they've logged in, employeeinformationmenu.php has the following at the top:


$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];
$_SESSION['empcode'] = $_POST['empcode'];


From there, they can click on Dental/Vision/Hearing, which is dentalvisionhearing.php. At the top, dentalvisionhearing.php has:


$empcode = $_POST['EMPNO'];
$SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];


So how can I make a proper link back to employeeinformationmenu.php? Does the link back need to be a form, possibly?


By the way, my query in employeeinformationmenu.php contains:


WHERE ((M2.[EMPNO] = '".$_POST['empcode']."' and 
M2.[MSSNO] = '".$_POST['password']."') or (M2.[MSSNO] = '".$_SESSION['password']."' and M2.[EMPNO] = '".$_SESSION['empcode']."'))


When I use the link back to employeeinformationmenu.php, it goes to the "die" part. I know the input is right or it wouldn't have given me anything in employeeinformationmenu.php in the first place. So I'm thinking that something isn't carrying over properly in my sessions.








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For example, after they've logged in, employeeinformationmenu.php has the following at the top:


$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];
$_SESSION['empcode'] = $_POST['empcode'];



just a little note..

if you goto the page with the above code and you have NOT summited a post your wipeout the sessions, (over write with nothing)


try this

if(isset($_POST['password'])) {$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];}
if(isset($_POST['empcode'])) {$_SESSION['empcode'] = $_POST['empcode'];}

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For example, after they've logged in, employeeinformationmenu.php has the following at the top:


$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];
$_SESSION['empcode'] = $_POST['empcode'];



just a little note..

if you goto the page with the above code and you have NOT summited a post your wipeout the sessions, (over write with nothing)


try this

if(isset($_POST['password'])) {$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];}
if(isset($_POST['empcode'])) {$_SESSION['empcode'] = $_POST['empcode'];}


That did the trick. Now I can go "back" (with a link) to employeeinformationmenu.php without losing the session.




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Why does dental have the $_POST stuff? Once you store something in the session you don't have to keep setting it again.

And what die part?


Also $SESSION is wrong, it's $_SESSION.


The $_POST was from some older code when I was just starting with php and was even more clueless than I am now!  :)


As for the "die" part, it basically brings up some instructions if they get their employee number or SSN wrong, or of they don't match.





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