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Using a class in another class.


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Not sure if i have this right... but


I have a MySQL class that I want to use in a function of another class. Let's see if I can show it. Please correct me if I am wrong, I'm learning OOP ;)



class MySQL {

   function DoQuery($query, $link) {
      // Do Stuff

class FunStuff {

    function DoMore() {
        $blah = $MySQL->DoQuery('blah', 'blah2');
        $query = $MySQL->FetchArray($blah);

     return $query;

$MySQL = new MySQL();

$Fun = new FunStuff();

while($Fun->DoMore) {
   //Do more stuff



What I am trying to do is be able to pass my $MySQL object into the $Fun class so I can use it to run queries. Now I don't know if its workable or if I am going about it wrong but I'd like to know :)





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I think it should go like this



class MySQL {

   function DoQuery($query, $link) {
      // Do Stuff

class FunStuff {

    function DoMore(MySQL &$MySQL) {
        $blah = $MySQL->DoQuery('blah', 'blah2');
        $query = $MySQL->FetchArray($blah);

     return $query;

$MySQL = new MySQL();

$Fun = new FunStuff();

while($Fun->DoMore($MySQL) {
   //Do more stuff


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class MySQL
    function DoQuery($query, $link)
        // Do Stuff

class FunStuff
    private $_db;

    function __construct($db)
        $this->_db = $db;

    function DoMore(MySQL & $MySQL)
        $blah = $this->_db->DoQuery('blah', 'blah2');
        $query = $this->_db->FetchArray($blah);
        return $query;

$db = new mysql();
$fun = new FunStuff($db);


Hope this helps

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You should probably use matthewhaworth's example if you are going to use the database object in the class (note that you should then not have the $MySQL argument in the method). If you on the other hand only need to use the database object in that specific method then you could do as ahowell did.

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Or you may want to extend the DB class with your FunStuff class...

class MySQL {
     // MySQL stuff

     function MySQL() {
           // Initiate this bad boy

     function sql_query() {
           // Query somethin

class FunStuff extends MySQL {
     function FunStuff() {
          // When this initializes you SHOULD have all your MySQL class functions available within this construct, although I've
          // encountered wierdness with this in the past. Try the MySQL class init function here if you're not getting an initialization

          // If that doesn't work, try the :: operator for accessing class functions without an actual instance of that class

          // But all in all, if the init went well, you should be able to refer to this object, since it has inherited the MySQL classes' functionality


Or, you may want the objects seperate because you find yourself needing both of them often enough in your scripts that you can pretty much count on one being there when the other is. In that case you can always refer to one within the other via its variable reference, obviously so long as that instance is actually defined before the call to it is made.


Basically, if I were you I'd fiddle around with the class functionality a bit, its fun stuff, definitely lends for some VERY scalable projects.


Anyway if this wasn't helpful sorry:) New on the board and just kinda shootin here and there trying to lend a hand ;)

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Or you may want to extend the DB class with your FunStuff class...


That would be a bad idea. extend is for extending the functionality of a class. That is not what you wish to do in this case so you should not use extend. You should rather create a new object and access it like e.g. $db->whatever();.

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this is how I'd do it...



class MySQL {

   function DoQuery($query, $link) {
      // Do Stuff

class FunStuff {

    function DoMore() {
        $blah = $this->db->DoQuery('blah', 'blah2');
        $query = $this->db->FetchArray($blah);

     return $query;

$MySQL = new MySQL();

$Fun = new FunStuff();
$Fun->db = $MySQL;

while($Fun->DoMore() {
   //Do more stuff


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  • 2 weeks later...

To fix the way you were doing it before, use the global keyword to access global variables:

function DoMore() {
global $MySQL;
$blah = $MySQL->DoQuery('blah', 'blah2');
$query = $MySQL->FetchArray($blah);
return $query;

But if you want a different approach, I'd use the static style (MySQL::query()...) if it's only basic stuff you want.

If you're looking for more advanced stuff with your database, do something else. What I'm doing with Thacmus is basing all database classes off of DBI, which also contains static functions for my MySQL wrappers. (The stylesheets for the site are broken, so you might want to view the plain text version)

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