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[SOLVED] Sort of a unique problem


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I'm writing some code that allows users to enter in a regex string and then calls preg_match. Using preg_match to validate a regex string before calling preg_match just seems weird to me, so what I'd like to do is error handle preg_match... is there a way I could emulate functionality thats like:


preg_match(..., ...) || return false;


See I don't want to stop executing the script at all, just want to treat that function breaking as false and report an error message. I'm sure I could pull it off with a try/catch but that's not something that would work in PHP4. Soooo what other suggestion do you guys have?

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I'm not 100% sure what your looking for..


but if you wish to check if the regex was valid then maybe use preg_last_error,



$RegEx = "/\s/si";
$String = "testing";
$data = @preg_replace($RegEx, $String);

case 0:
//no error
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:


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"preg_match() returns FALSE if an error occurred."


if(preg_match(your input) === false){
print 'error';


You only use || inside a conditional statement, you don't just say do this or this. You say if this, do this, which can mean if this fails, do this. Same thing.

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Take the following code for example:


    $matches = preg_match("/balh", "10");
    if( $matches != 0 ) echo "woot!";


Naturally ther errors out because I'm missing my closing / in the regex. However, it yields this error message:


Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: No ending delimiter '/' found in /var/www/test.php on line 20. Are you suggesting that I compress the error message with @ and it will return false?

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how can it return if it's not inside a function? If you really want it to return a value make a function. But you have to use the if else construct, like I said. It's the same thing, just with the PROPER statements.

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