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form not validating or sending..please help


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my script will not send nor will the validation work please help it's much appreciated the error i'm recieving is

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ELSE in /homepages/2/d207814309/htdocs/met/mailer.php on line 194

line 194 under the exit; and above echo at the very bottom


Thanks again for all the help



if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$errmsg  = ''; // error message

$nextstep = "nextstep.php";

$name_field = $_POST['name'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];

$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$cell = $_POST['cell'];
$ecnumber = $_POST['ecnumber'];
$email_field = $_POST['email'];

foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) {
	$check_msg .= "I am interested in: $value\n";


$yrsexp =$_POST['yrsexp'];
$dexplain = $_POST['dexplain'];
$tdexplore = $_POST['tdexplore'];

$yrsexpMusic =$_POST['yrsexpMusic'];
$mexplain =$_POST['mexplain'];




$dropdown = $_POST['drop_down'];

$body = "From: $name_field\n 
Age: $age\n 
address: $address\n 
City: $city\n 
State: $state\n 
Zip: $zip\n 
Phone: $phone\n 
Cell: $cell\n 
Emergency Contact Number: $ecnumber\n 
E-Mail: $email_field\n
$check_msg Option: $option\n
$yrsexp years experiance\n
i want to explore $tdexplore \n

$yrsexpmusic years experiance\n
I would like to explore $musicExplore\n
I play the $insPlay \n
I want to learn $insLearn\n

 $yrsexpAct years experiancen\n
 i want to explore- $aexplore
 i have done- $aExploreW -thus far regarding theater\n
 the particular style that i want to explore is $aExploreW2\n


 my grade current grade level is: $gradeLevel\n
 school district: $sdistrict\n

 Clubs and activities involved in: $cllisted\n

 they found the met by: $drop_down\n $maother\n";

if(trim($sname) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your name';
   elseif(trim($email) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your email address';
      $errmsg = 'Your email address is not valid';
   elseif(trim($age) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your age';
   elseif(trim($address) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your address';
    elseif(trim($city) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your city';
    elseif(trim($state) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your state';
   elseif(trim($zip) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your zip';
    elseif(trim($phone) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your phone number';
    elseif(trim($ecnnumber) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your emergency contact number';
    elseif(trim($check_msg) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us what your interested in';
    elseif(trim($drop_down) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us how you found us';


if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "you@yourmom.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;
header('Location: nextstep.php');
else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";


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i've commented your code to show you what i mean:


if($errmsg == '') // <-- open if # 1
   if(get_magic_quotes_gpc())  // <-- open if # 2
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
   } // <-- close if # 2
$to = "you@yourmom.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;
}  // <-- close if # 1
  // the following will run regardless of everything
header('Location: nextstep.php');
else { // <-- else pertains to no currently open if block, as they were both closed upstairs
  echo "error: $errmsg";


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i think i screwed this up cuase i'm getting an error on line 174 which is right above the        if($errmsg  but here it is please bear with me i'm a newbie trying to understand

if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;

header('Location: nextstep.php');

else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";


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here it is sorry




if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$errmsg  = ''; // error message

$nextstep = "nextstep.php";

$name_field = $_POST['name'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];

$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$cell = $_POST['cell'];
$ecnumber = $_POST['ecnumber'];
$email_field = $_POST['email'];

foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) {
	$check_msg .= "I am interested in: $value\n";


$yrsexp =$_POST['yrsexp'];
$dexplain = $_POST['dexplain'];
$tdexplore = $_POST['tdexplore'];

$yrsexpMusic =$_POST['yrsexpMusic'];
$mexplain =$_POST['mexplain'];




$dropdown = $_POST['drop_down'];

$body = "From: $name_field\n 
Age: $age\n 
address: $address\n 
City: $city\n 
State: $state\n 
Zip: $zip\n 
Phone: $phone\n 
Cell: $cell\n 
Emergency Contact Number: $ecnumber\n 
E-Mail: $email_field\n
$check_msg Option: $option\n
$yrsexp years experiance\n
i want to explore $tdexplore \n

$yrsexpmusic years experiance\n
I would like to explore $musicExplore\n
I play the $insPlay \n
I want to learn $insLearn\n

 $yrsexpAct years experiancen\n
 i want to explore- $aexplore
 i have done- $aExploreW -thus far regarding theater\n
 the particular style that i want to explore is $aExploreW2\n


 my grade current grade level is: $gradeLevel\n
 school district: $sdistrict\n

 Clubs and activities involved in: $cllisted\n

 they found the met by: $drop_down\n $maother\n";

if(trim($sname) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your name';
   elseif(trim($email) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your email address';
      $errmsg = 'Your email address is not valid';
   elseif(trim($age) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your age';
   elseif(trim($address) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your address';
    elseif(trim($city) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your city';
    elseif(trim($state) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your state';
   elseif(trim($zip) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your zip';
    elseif(trim($phone) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your phone number';
    elseif(trim($ecnnumber) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your emergency contact number';
    elseif(trim($check_msg) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us what your interested in';
    elseif(trim($drop_down) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us how you found us';


if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;

header('Location: nextstep.php');

else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";


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now it's 178i knew i screwed that bottom up some how please help.. 178 is under my getmagicquotes



if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;

header('Location: nextstep.php');

else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";


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i'm trying to understand again i'm sorry i have been so confused i thought i could get help.


i moved it to above my exit;  and it now goes through but i says enter your name when the name is actully there???


i'm not asking you to do it i'm asking to get some knowlege so that i know what i doing in the future thanks again for the help

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i'm don't get what your saying??? basically now the filter isn't working thanks again



if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {

$errmsg  = ''; // error message

$nextstep = "nextstep.php";

$name_field = $_POST['name'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$state = $_POST['state'];

$zip = $_POST['zip'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$cell = $_POST['cell'];
$ecnumber = $_POST['ecnumber'];
$email_field = $_POST['email'];

foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) {
	$check_msg .= "I am interested in: $value\n";


$yrsexp =$_POST['yrsexp'];
$dexplain = $_POST['dexplain'];
$tdexplore = $_POST['tdexplore'];

$yrsexpMusic =$_POST['yrsexpMusic'];
$mexplain =$_POST['mexplain'];




$dropdown = $_POST['drop_down'];

$body = "From: $name_field\n 
Age: $age\n 
address: $address\n 
City: $city\n 
State: $state\n 
Zip: $zip\n 
Phone: $phone\n 
Cell: $cell\n 
Emergency Contact Number: $ecnumber\n 
E-Mail: $email_field\n
$check_msg Option: $option\n
$yrsexp years experiance\n
i want to explore $tdexplore \n

$yrsexpmusic years experiance\n
I would like to explore $musicExplore\n
I play the $insPlay \n
I want to learn $insLearn\n

 $yrsexpAct years experiancen\n
 i want to explore- $aexplore
 i have done- $aExploreW -thus far regarding theater\n
 the particular style that i want to explore is $aExploreW2\n


 my grade current grade level is: $gradeLevel\n
 school district: $sdistrict\n

 Clubs and activities involved in: $cllisted\n

 they found the met by: $drop_down\n $maother\n";

if(trim($sname_field) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your name';
   elseif(trim($email) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your email address';
      $errmsg = 'Your email address is not valid';
   elseif(trim($age) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your age';
   elseif(trim($address) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your address';
    elseif(trim($city) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your city';
    elseif(trim($state) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your state';
   elseif(trim($zip) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your zip';
    elseif(trim($phone) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your phone number';
    elseif(trim($ecnnumber) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your emergency contact number';
    elseif(trim($check_msg) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us what your interested in';
    elseif(trim($drop_down) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us how you found us';


if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;

header('Location: nextstep.php');
else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";


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Try This:



if(trim($sname_field) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your name';
   elseif(trim($email) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your email address';
      $errmsg = 'Your email address is not valid';
   elseif(trim($age) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your age';
   elseif(trim($address) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your address';
    elseif(trim($city) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your city';
    elseif(trim($state) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your state';
   elseif(trim($zip) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your zip';
    elseif(trim($phone) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your phone number';
    elseif(trim($ecnnumber) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please enter your emergency contact number';
    elseif(trim($check_msg) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us what your interested in';
    elseif(trim($drop_down) == '')
      $errmsg = 'Please tell us how you found us';


if($errmsg == '')
      $subject = stripslashes($subject);
$to = "amolaee@jbn.com"; 
$subject = 'application from met website' . $subject ;

header('Location: nextstep.php');
else {
  echo "error: $errmsg";



Also i recomend downloading Jedit it is helpful with syntax errors


not to be prudent but jesirose  was right you had an extra } before your exit; line are you this ignorant? try looking harder next time.

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