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Won't save selection by user


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I have a selection designed in a html which loads up the rows from a table but displays only house type and price. Which works. But say the user picks the first choice:


Cottage - £50000


Oddly $housetype = cottage


$Price = 



This is the selection creation:

echo '<select name="houselist" size=10>">';

while($soldhousesrow = mysql_fetch_array($soldhousesresult)) {
        echo "<option value=\"{$soldhousesrow['Price']}|{$soldhousesrow['HouseType']}\">£ {$soldhousesrow['Price']} - {$soldhousesrow['HouseType']}</option>";

echo '</select>';



The creation:


$_SESSION['Price'] = $soldhousesrow['Price'];
$_SESSION['HouseType'] = $soldhousesrow['HouseType'];



Then i have this on a different page:


$Price = $_SESSION["Price"];
$HouseType = $_SESSION["HouseType"];

Echo $Price;
Echo $HouseType;



Result :



(then blank)




Any idea why this is happening only for house type ??

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Well for one, it looks like you have price and house type backwards, as everywhere you have price it prints cottage.

Secondly, you're doing this:

$_SESSION['HouseType'] = $soldhousesrow['HouseType'];


Out of the while loop. Where is the value of $soldhousesrow['HouseType'] coming from at that point? It looks like it is not set there.

Where do you set it?

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wait the echo's of



(and blank)


i didnt mean it in that order.. basically $price is blank but houestype is not.



But what do you mean by "set".

As you see on this line from the above script


echo "<option value=          etc



What ever the user chooses is what will be set into that session... am i right in thinking that? It works for housetype but not price though thats what i dont get.

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Jesi - Yeah theres a submit button.. or do you mean by using _POST ?


I originally tried the _POST but that didn't work. Can't use GET because the form is POST and

$Price =  $HTTP_POST_VARS["Price"];
didn't work either.


What confuses me is how House Type does work but not price...even when they are processed in the exact same way.

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This is the recent script i tried for it to start working but im still getting the same result:

At the very top of this script i have posted below is :


require "energybarinclude.php";


this contains the session_start(); just so you know.


<form name="Form1" method="POST" action="housepurchaseprocess.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="Form1" onsubmit="return ValidateForm1(this)">


$soldhousesquery = "SELECT Price, HouseType FROM soldhouses ORDER BY Price ASC";
$soldhousesresult = @mysql_query($soldhousesquery) or die(mysql_error());

echo '<select name="houselist" size=10>">';

while($soldhousesrow = mysql_fetch_array($soldhousesresult)) {
        echo "<option value=\"{$soldhousesrow['Price']}|{$soldhousesrow['HouseType']}\">£ {$soldhousesrow['Price']} - {$soldhousesrow['HouseType']}</option>";

echo '</select>';

//these 2 sessions when echo'd only house type displays but not price
$Price = $_POST['Price'];
$HouseType = $_POST['HouseType'];
$_SESSION['Price'] = $Price;
$_SESSION['HouseType'] = $HouseType;

<input type="submit" id="Button2" name="Buy" value="Buy House" style="position:absolute;left:350px;top:600px;width:184px;height:24px;z-index:20">

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