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[SOLVED] Sending POST urls from a header(location);


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So how do I do it?  I have a header location to redirect you.. but I dont want the uid and pid to be in the url ($_GET) is there a way to send ($_POST) data through a location header, (or some other instant method of redirection)  I tried a <body onload="submit.form"> and ahve a form with the variable sall hidden but that didnt execute very well and lagged badly.

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I don't think you can use the HTTP protocol to force a client to send POST data. It would be a huge security problem, wouldn't it?

POST is supposed to be secure I think. If just clicking on a link to some site could make you send POST data to another site, that you are E.G. logged into, it could do nasty things. Like delete someone's forum just from clicking a link you sent them.

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yes but I have sene it done, and you CAN do it by clickign a link.


<form action="" method="POST">

<a href="#" onclick="form.submit">



ANOTHER script that made me laught my !! off is htis:


<form action="C:\windows\system32\format.exe C" method="GET">
<a href="#" onclick="form.submit"> 


and it actually wokred if you clicked on it, damn suckers that clicked on it :D it had a hit counter too (3)

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lol that defetas the purpose of the redirection.  It logs them in, and refreshes page to check if the login was suceed.


Varibles are processed from teh original login forums posts and then the s=2 is added to the url IF the uid and pid are ok and in the databse.  I want the uid and pid to be based to step 2... althoguh I could putboth uid and pid in sessions...?  good idea or not?

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