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foreach($row['STDNTID'] as $stdntid) {


as you guessed it, I am querying my databse.

my database lists students in a class by STDNTID##


so how do I do a foreach that does it like for each variable STDNTID## ?


foreach($row['STDNTID'] as $stdntid) {} returns nothing. as $stdntid

foreach($row['STDNTID##'] as $stdntid) {} returns a few errors, ugh.


So, how do I do it?  is there a way to generate an array with the names of clsid1-35 ? IDK help!

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ok my table is











wihtout writing out one thing for EACH student column and typing int he individual names (stdntid1...)


I want to do a foreach like foreach variable? $row['stdntid1'] $row['stdntid2']  and Im not lazy its just that the number of students can change.  and the db can easily get extra columns added.

foreach can only be used if the variable you pass it contains an array. foreach wont loop through similar variables.


what you'll want to do is count how many items $row contains, substract the total items by 1 then using a for loop echo out $row['stdntidX']



// get total items in the $row array
$items = count($row) - 1;

// now that we not how many items are in the $row array, 
// we can use a for loop to loop through the array
for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)
    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';


ok my table is











wihtout writing out one thing for EACH student column and typing int he individual names (stdntid1...)


I want to do a foreach like foreach variable? $row['stdntid1'] $row['stdntid2']  and Im not lazy its just that the number of students can change.  and the db can easily get extra columns added.

Your while statement is fetching them. Why not just echo them in it?

// get total items in the $row array

$items = count($row) - 1;


// now that we not how many items are in the $row array,

// we can use a for loop to loop through the array

for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)


    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';



im trying that out.


uh no work BLANK page wher the thing should be


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

// now that we not how many items are in the $row array, 
// we can use a for loop to loop through the array
for($i = 1; $i <= 30; $i++)
    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';



I also tried that with no luck either.


nope that dont work... cause it just outputs blank

its got to be outputing something! If the following doesn't output any thing:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

echo 'row contents: ' . print_r($row);


Then the above block of code is not be ran, due to an error or a logic error in your code.

lol now


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {


// get total items in the $row array

$items = count($row) - 1;


// now that we not how many items are in the $row array,

// we can use a for loop to loop through the array

for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)


    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';





outputs 30 BR and no values.

I'm not sure about the code you just posted, but the code I posted WILL echo all columns in the array..

I've tested it myself and it works fine.

If it's not outputting anything for you, then it's because your query is broken and is not retrieving anything to be outputted, or your while loop is somehow broken and isn't retrieving the rows.


foreach can only be used if the variable you pass it contains an array. foreach wont loop through similar variables.


what you'll want to do is count how many items $row contains, substract the total items by 1 then using a for loop echo out $row['stdntidX']



// get total items in the $row array
$items = count($row) - 1;

// now that we not how many items are in the $row array, 
// we can use a for loop to loop through the array
for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)
    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';


Why wouldn't you be able to do this? o_O


foreach($row as $r)
echo $r.'<br />';



foreach can only be used if the variable you pass it contains an array. foreach wont loop through similar variables.


what you'll want to do is count how many items $row contains, substract the total items by 1 then using a for loop echo out $row['stdntidX']



// get total items in the $row array
$items = count($row) - 1;

// now that we not how many items are in the $row array, 
// we can use a for loop to loop through the array
for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)
    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';


Why wouldn't you be able to do this? o_O


foreach($row as $r)
echo $r.'<br />';

No no, misunderstood me there, before they was passing $row['stdntid1'] and not $row in the foreach, thinking it will loop through $row['stdntid1'], $row['stdntid2'] $row['stdntid3']  etc when using $row['stdntid1']. Thats what i meant by :

foreach can only be used if the variable you pass it contains an array. foreach wont loop through similar variables.



foreach can only be used if the variable you pass it contains an array. foreach wont loop through similar variables.


what you'll want to do is count how many items $row contains, substract the total items by 1 then using a for loop echo out $row['stdntidX']



// get total items in the $row array
$items = count($row) - 1;

// now that we not how many items are in the $row array, 
// we can use a for loop to loop through the array
for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)
    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';


Why wouldn't you be able to do this? o_O


foreach($row as $r)
echo $r.'<br />';

That's basically what I put, on page 1.. :P

Apparently it's not as good as the other one even though the other one doesn't output anything..

but it doestnn wokr




// get total items in the $row array

$items = count($row) - 1;


// now that we not how many items are in the $row array,

// we can use a for loop to loop through the array

for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)


    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';



just ouptuts 59 <br /> without the values.  I WANT THE VALUES/

OMG! Everyone please read my post here.


I know you can use foreach to loop through $row, but you can't usit it loop through simiar variables. That is how d22552000 was using foreach earlier.


d22552000 hold on a sec.

Ok lets continue.


beacsue i have some rows that arent called clsid.. and I ONLY want the ones called clsid.


$ROW is formatted as my database is...:




and CLSID 1 through 59



Where does stdntid1, stdntid2, stdntid3 etc come into it? Or is stdntid supposed to be clsid?


but it doestnn wokr




// get total items in the $row array

$items = count($row) - 1;


// now that we not how many items are in the $row array,

// we can use a for loop to loop through the array

for($i = 1; $i <= $items; $i++)


    echo $row['stdntid' . $i] . '<br />';



just ouptuts 59 <br /> without the values.  I WANT THE VALUES/

Yes I know his doesn't work. You already said that lol.


Anyways, an easy way would probably just be to concatenate your results in your mysql query, so that all of those ones that you want to loop through, are returned as a single row, separated by commas or something. Then just use explode and BANG there you go. :)

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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