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[SOLVED] Redirect


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I am using the following code on a contact form:


// Redirect to page code needs to go here


I have tried multiple methods but due to the headers being sent on this contact form I get the usual "headers already sent" error.


How do I get around this?



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OK, I'm now using the following at the end of the script:


$url = "http://www.yahoo.com";
$url2 = "http://www.google.com";
printf("<meta http-equiv=refresh content=\"0; url=$url2\">");
printf("<meta http-equiv=refresh content=\"0; url=$url\">"); 


If validation is true then it should redirect to yahoo.com.  If validation fails it should redirect to google.com.  If validation is true then it works however if validation fails it doesn't redirect.

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do you mean to have that extra curly bracket at the end?


personally, i don't let the browser control anything if i can help it. that means i don't send a META tag and then assume the browser is going to redirect. imo, you're better off putting a header() redirect in; send the page to the browser, not the browser to the page.



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yes, use header("location: $url") before anything is output to the browser. If there is anything before the first php bracket <?, then that is included in "anything output to the browser". Any echo's, anything at all output to the browser before a header() is invalid. Perform all of your logic before you have to decide whether and where to send the user. Then use header(), or not if you want to continue processing the page. Also, don't forget to put an exit; after any header()'s.

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The code in it's current state doesn't redirect the user if validation fails for some reason.  And if validation is true then the headers already sent error is present.



$toaddr = "test@test.com";
$subject = "subject here";
$realname = $_POST['realname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$date = $_POST['date'];
$time = $_POST['time'];
$telno = $_POST['telno'];
$details = $_POST['details'];

$validation = true; 

$realname = $_POST['realname'];
if($realname == ""){
$validation = false;
$email = $_POST['email'];
if($email == ""){
$validation = false;
$address = $_POST['address'];
if($address == ""){
$validation = false;
$date = $_POST['date'];
if($date == ""){
$validation = false;
$time = $_POST['time'];
if($time == ""){
$validation = false;
$telno = $_POST['telno'];
if($telno == ""){
$validation = false;
$details = $_POST['details'];
if($details == ""){
$validation = false;
echo "Error: Please ensure all fields are entered.";

mail(Email details here)



$url = "http://www.yahoo.com";
$url2 = "http://www.google.com";
header($url1) ;


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you get headers already sent because of the <BODY> tag. That tag gets sent to the browser before the PHP code even starts. The headers are sent BEFORE ANYTHING, including the <BODY> tag. Once you put any output whatsoever before header() it's too late to use header(). Remove the <BODY> tags.

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I removed the body tags and updated the code as follows:


$url = "http://www.yahoo.com";
$url2 = "http://www.google.com";
header("location: $url2");
header("location: $url1") ;


Both issues still remain (headers already sent error if validation is true and no redirect if validation is false).

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