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I am trying to implement session variables in my new php project.


I would like to know can i set and get variables in session...


my current program contains:


page 1:






page 2:








but i got this warning with the result..



Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent



how can i solve this??


please help

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The session seems to have already been started, therefore it maybe set to start automatically in php.ini, therefore you don't need to call 'session_start();'.


Also you won't be able to use newly set session variables until the page has changed... that sounds strange but try it...

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Where is that snippet of code? session_start() should not be used after ANY output to the browser, this includes html or stray spaces like so:








^ Those will cause that error.



as for rarebit saying newly set session variables aren't accessible until after the next page load: I don't think that's right. It's true for cookie variables, I can say for sure. But can someone else confirm it's the same for sessions? Or can you (rarebit) provide quotation from the documentation where it says so?

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Try it! It's from a book i've got, i've not lloked for it in the php docs but enough people complain about the error on here... please prove it wrong... i'll go try it now, cos I agree it doesn't make sense as to why, other than it's stored by the server not the interpreter?

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