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Echo Text?


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I have an image .gif, with text in it, but I want there to be no text, and echo the text in php.


Like say I have a .gif and it says Hello. I want to remove the Hello, so its just the bg. But the bg into a table, and echo out the text with correct font. The font is Bebas, so everyone might not have it. How can I do this?

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Removing text from an image is too hard. First you'd need an algorithm to identify which pixel regions are part of the font and then what you'd like to replace them with (e.g. to match the background)...


The CSS shown above will download a locally stored font named garmond, you'll need to find some web fonts, i've never bothered!

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Wait wait wait... Are you saying that you want to use php to remove text from an image? Wow now thats going to take alot of coding. Better bet is to just use phooshop and try to make the image look good! When it comes to images sometimes humans are smarter than php, But not always! lol jk

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Okay thank goodness. I thought you were going crazy trying to take text outta images with php.


You should try using





I use these functions all the time for messing around with images in PHP, it can add text add text from user input, change bg colors, adjust tint and ect ect...!

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Search PHP.net it requires you to enter your quardenets in Pixels of where you want your text to start and end, Where you want your text positioned, what font, create image or use existing and alot of stuff.




Thats a direct, its hard to explain cause there are so many factors. its like showing someone how to website. There are so many factors at play that you cant really teach them without writing 1000 lines of text. But luckily php.net has 10000 lines of text so I dont gotta type it. Check it out there!

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