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[SOLVED] :( My Script tries to register Twice can someone tell me why?[urgent :(]


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class register
function register()
	$Template = new TempSys;
	$x = 0;
		$Template->temp = "register.tpl";
		return $Template->html;
		if(!empty($_POST['username']) and !empty($_POST['email']) and !empty($_POST['pass2']) and !empty($_POST['pass1']))
			if($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2'])
				return "Password fields do not match.";
				$username = w_input($_POST['username']);
				$already = mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '".$username."'");
				if(mysql_num_rows($already) > 0)
					return "Sorry, this account already exists.($x)";
					$password = md5(w_input($_POST['pass1']));
					$email = w_input($_POST['email']);
					$val = substr(md5(rand(1000,30000)),0,10);			
						if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO `users` (`username`,`password`,`email`,`key`)
								return "You have successfully been registered, please validated your account by checking your email.";
								return "There was an sql error, contact the server administrator.";
						$x += 1;
			return "Sorry, you left a field blank.";
function run()
		case "activate":
			return $this->register();


It keeps echoing this user already exists, like its trying to register twice :(.  When I delete all the users from the db, i register all fine and dandy [well the user goes in the db], but at the same time it looks like its running the script a second time on the same post information, how come that is please i need this answer so  I can fix.



	function w_input($v)
		$v = htmlspecialchars(htmlentities($v,ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'));
		return $v;
	function validation($email,$name,$password,$key)
		// To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set
		$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
		$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

		// Additional headers
		$headers .= 'To: '.$name.' <'.$email.'>' . "\r\n";
		$headers .= 'From: WeCodePython.info <wecodepy@wecodepython.info>' . "\r\n";
		$msg = "Hello $name,<br /><br />";
		$msg .= "Looks like you have registered at wecodepython.info, this requires you to validate your account.  <br />Your Account details are: <br />";
		$msg .= "Username: <b>$name</b><br />Password: <b>$password</b><br /><br />";
		$msg .= "Please follow this link to validate your account: <a href='http://wecodepython.info/index.php?action=register&option=validate&id=$key'>Here</a> (http://wecodepython.info/index.php?action=register&option=validate&id=$key)";
		$msg .= "<br /><br />Thanks again for registering, Regards WeCodePython.info";
		$msg = "-----------Security Output---------------<br />" . "IP: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."<br />" . "From: " . $name . " <$email><br />" . "-----------Security EndPut---------------<br /><br />" . $msg;
		$subject = "WeCodePython.info - Validation Required";
		$email = w_input($email);
	function is_email($e)

			return true;


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Nothing is more urgent than anyone else's work. Because you called it "urgent" and more important then anyone else's I won't even take a look at your code. YOUR WORK IS NOT URGENT OR MORE IMPORTANT.


>:( Read the forum guidelines.

Wow thats a great tip, thanks so very much.
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Nothing is more urgent than anyone else's work. Because you called it "urgent" and more important then anyone else's I won't even take a look at your code. YOUR WORK IS NOT URGENT OR MORE IMPORTANT.


>:( Read the forum guidelines.

Wow thats a great tip, thanks so very much.


It is a good tip. READ the FORUM GUIDELINES. Your stuck up attitude is not needed here. I need help too, but I don't go around calling it "urgent". Yes, maybe it is, but I restrict myself to the rules and try to help others, as others might need more help than me.

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Nothing is more urgent than anyone else's work. Because you called it "urgent" and more important then anyone else's I won't even take a look at your code. YOUR WORK IS NOT URGENT OR MORE IMPORTANT.


>:( Read the forum guidelines.

Wow thats a great tip, thanks so very much.


It is a good tip. READ the FORUM GUIDELINES. Your stuck up attitude is not needed here. I need help too, but I don't go around calling it "urgent". Yes, maybe it is, but I restrict myself to the rules and try to help others, as others might need more help than me.


Dude what are you talking about, I agreed to everything you said.  Your post was not needed.


Thanks rarebit, great help.

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Oh, sorry. You sound like you were sarcastic.


Anyway, I think you might need to change your code structure a bit.



if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO `users` (`username`,`password`,`email`,`key`)



You should instead do the mysql_query without the if and add or die();


This way the script stops running if the database isn't inserted properly.

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