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Its true though, Anhything you put on a webserver is publically available


Its just like leaving your keys ni your car, someone can come along, drive your car all over the places and pretty soon you have 50,000 miles on the clock!


The way to prevent that would be to not leave your keys in the car and lock it


Now, how can we do this on a website :)

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I guess I was reading script as a normal page. ie User selects some options, queries run and stuff, page loads. Captchas are annoying, make sure it makes sense to do this.... if the users are logged in before this happens apply my method with username instead of ip address. Then ban the users for abuse if it continues.

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If you're using sessions, you could use the session data to restrict how often someone writes to the database.


define('POST_DELAY', 30);

if(time() - $_SESSION['last_access'] > POST_DELAY)
  // run update queries
  echo "You must wait " . POST_DELAY . " seconds before submitting another post.";

$_SESSION['last_access'] = time();

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Im talking about any script


For instance, the home page etc


Think of this forum.. when you view the home page MYSQL is being executed


What happens if 10 guys run a script that blasts this home page 40 times a second


Thats 400 queries..


Im not talking about one major script I have, where as, any script on the site

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If you're using sessions, you could use the session data to restrict how often someone writes to the database.


define('POST_DELAY', 30);

if(time() - $_SESSION['last_access'] > POST_DELAY)
  // run update queries
  echo "You must wait " . POST_DELAY . " seconds before submitting another post.";

$_SESSION['last_access'] = time();

Thats the type of thing I was looking for :)


Any other ideas? Not IP based though as people may be behind a router in school etc

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Yeh I know I was reffering to one of the other posts :P


Cheers for info!


Can a php script register a session? Do get a session my members have to login, someone running a script point at my url, if they dont have a session it will die(); them


Can a script register a session by sending the appropriate headers etc?

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