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faster queries

The Little Guy

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OK, how could I improve performance?


My first query gets all the results, so I know how many pages to have


My second query is to get the results that will be shown on the page.


// Query to get ALL valid results
$query_count = "SELECT title,content,URL, 
MATCH(URL) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score1,
MATCH(title) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score2,
MATCH(content) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score3 
FROM $searchType WHERE MATCH(title) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR
MATCH(content) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
$result_count = mysqli_query($db,$query_count);    
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result_count);  
$totalrows = mysqli_num_rows($result_count);

$limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);  

$time_start = microtime(true);
// Same query as above, only it returns a limited number of results ($limit = 5 to 100)
$query = "SELECT title,content,URL,id,
MATCH(URL) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score1,
MATCH(title) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score2,
MATCH(content) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score3 
FROM $searchType WHERE MATCH(title) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR
MATCH(content) AGAINST ('$searchQuery' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
ORDER BY score1 DESC, score2 DESC, score3 DESC LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit";



I don't know if it is just me, but It seems like this would take a while to query, if it needed to query 100,000,000+ rows in a database.


What would the fastest way to do this be?

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hm, if you're going to be consistently querying MATCHING AGAINST 100,000,000+ records you're probably going to need a multi-sever solution. at very least you're going to want to hold your data in RAM and not hit the hard drive for each query.


otherwise, i think you're doing what's necessary to determine the total number of records and then select a subset.

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    AGAINST ('%$searchQuery%' IN BOOLEAN MODE) * 1.5) +
    AGAINST ('%$searchQuery%' IN BOOLEAN MODE) * 0. +
    AGAINST ('%$searchQuery%' IN BOOLEAN MODE) * 0.5) AS score
FROM $searchType
    MATCH(title, URL, content)
      AGAINST ('%$searchQuery%' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
AND content != ''
  BY score DESC LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit";  

$sql = mysql_query($query_count)or die(mysql_error()); 
$result_count = mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")or die(mysql_error());
$total = mysql_fetch_array($result_count);
$totalrows = $total[0];


OK... I am down to one SQL statement, but... it still seems to run slow on 4,420 recods... what should I do?


If I do a search, something with the most results (free), it takes 1.619 Seconds to do just the query.


I was thinking, would it be faster to do a search on 3 tables instead of one?


- One with the URL's

- One with the titles

- One with the content

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