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[SOLVED] Get line of string from a text file?


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Is it possible to get a line of a string from a text file?

A function that would open a text file, search for a specified string and if it is found, it would ge the line where the string is located in text file.


If my text file was something like this:


If I was finding a line of the string "Line3", function would return as "3".

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The file() function returns the contents of a file in an array by line. So..


foreach($myfile as $myline){
   if($myline=="searchstring"){//just an example, use what ever search method fits
      echo $linecount;


OR maybe


foreach($myfile as $key=>$myline){
   if($myline=="searchstring"){//just an example, use what ever search method fits
      echo ($key+1);


I did not test either of these, but should be a start, if I am understanding you anyway.

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i was beat to the answer, but here's my version...


$test_string = "somestring";
$c_array = file("./yourfile.txt");
$c_size = count($c_array);

for ($i=0; $i<$c_size;$i++) {
    if (trim($c_array[$i]) == $test_string) {
       echo "$test_string was found on line ".($i + 1);

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I was only trying to illustrate reading the file and returning the line, the search method can be nearly anything.

$myline=="texttofind" - would attempt to match the entire line

strstr("texttofind",$myline) - would find the first occurance of "texttofind"

preg_match("/texttofind/",$myline) - uses regular expression to match any text (or pattern) in line


I suspect strstr() may be the best option for you.


It will work just as well, to do strstr("3",$myline)

It would then find the first "3" on a line.


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Guys! Guys!! :D


<?php function getstrline($searchstr, $file){
  $c_array = file($file);
  $c_size = count($c_array);

  for ($i=0; $i < $c_size; $i++){
    if(strpos(Trim($c_array[$i]), $searchstr))
   	return $i;
} ?>


Can someone tell me whats wrong with that? It will return 0 in the loop, but I tried like this:

<?php function getstrline($searchstr, $file){
  $c_array = file($file);
  $c_size = count($c_array);

  return strpos(Trim($c_array[0]), $searchstr)
} ?>

It worked like that. When I wrote the first word or part of word of the text file on $searchstr.


Please, can someone tell me whats wrong with the loop, if the loop worked then this whole thing would work, i copied it from BlueSkyIS and changed it to check strpos.

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There is already a built in function to open a file and return everything as an array.  There is already a built in array search function.


  $file = file("the/file");
  $key = array_search($search, $file);
  if($key === FALSE){
    echo "Not found";


If you want all matching lines, use the array_keys() function.

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There is already a built in function to open a file and return everything as an array.  There is already a built in array search function.


  $file = file("the/file");
  $key = array_search($search, $file);
  if($key === FALSE){
    echo "Not found";


If you want all matching lines, use the array_keys() function.

I dont quite understand how to use that, or where I need that, but the first problem is now:

1. The function doesnt work that I posted above, strpos will return true ( > 0 ) without loop, but it wont return when its in the loop. I would like to have that fixed/told why it wont work.

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My deepest apologies roopurt18... I did not know of that function.


That will work as long as the matching method used by array_search() is the way he wants to match.


function getstrline($searchstr, $file){
   return ($key+1);


How about that, Pentti?


... one reason to loop through the array yourself would be if you want to use regex to make your match. Unless I am missing something with array_search(), it does not appear to support regex.

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My deepest apologies roopurt18... I did not know of that function.


That will work as long as the matching method used by array_search() is the way he wants to match.


function getstrline($searchstr, $file){
   return ($key+1);


How about that, Pentti?


... one reason to loop through the array yourself would be if you want to use regex to make your match. Unless I am missing something with array_search(), it does not appear to support regex.

Thanks, but somethings wrong with array_search.

It will only return the line where word is if I search for the word thats the last word in the text file!


Test it yourself!

php code:

function getstrline($searchstr, $file){
  $myfile = file($file);
  $key = array_search($searchstr, $myfile);
  return ("'$searchstr' at line: $key");

Echo getstrline("Line4", "test.txt");


text file:



result when finding "Line4":

'Line4' at line: 4


result when finding "Line3" (or lower):

'Line3' at line:

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Thanks for the help guys! But I attempted to make a working function, to work just like I wanted it to work.

If anyone wants to see the function, here it is:


function getstrline($searchstr, $file){
  $c_array = file($file);
  $c_size = count($c_array);

  $i = 0;
  while($i <= $c_size - 1){
    if(strpos(Trim($c_array[$i]), $searchstr))
    return $i;

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You might want the function to return FALSE or -1 as the last line of the function for cases where the search string is not found.


Also, instead of calling count() and using a while loop, you could use a foreach loop, which is intended for looping over arrays.


This is a very, very minor optimization note, but you can apply the concept to other areas of your code.

while($i <= $c_size - 1){

That is perfectly fine for your while loop, but you are forcing the interpreter to re-evaluate the expression $c_size - 1 each time through the loop.  So let's say the file was 1000 lines long, the expression $c_size - 1 will be calculated 1000 times; however, it's always going to be the same result.  This means we can move the calculation outside the loop so that it is only ever calculated once:

while($i <= $c_size){

You can eliminate the -1 operation altogether by changing the comparison in the while loop as well:

while($i < $c_size){

Like I started off by saying, that is a very minor optimization and barely worth performing; it's only going to shave maybe a millisecond off your execution time, if that.  However, if the $c_size - 1 had been a different, more expensive (expensive in terms of computation time) operation, such as a function call, it's a good optimization to make.



    if(strpos(Trim($c_array[$i]), $searchstr))
    return $i;

That code is perfectly legal, but I highly recommend always, always, always placing curly brackets around the bodies of your conditional statements and loops, even when they're a single line and optional.  The reason for this is its very easy to add another line to the body of a conditional or loop to enhance functionality or for debugging purposes but then forget to add the curly brackets, which breaks the loop / conditional.  It only takes an extra second to type the keystrokes and sure it adds one more line to your source file, but honestly it can save you a good half hour or more of frustration down the road.

  if(strpos(trim($c_array[$i]), $searchstr)){
    return $i

You should also always indent the bodies of your conditionals and loops as well, to enhance readability.


I only bring this stuff up now because you are learning so its easier to develop good habits now rather than break bad habits later.  When I was learning to program, my sources (books / professors) said the same things and you just have to take it on faith.  I decided to listen and I can't tell you how many times throughout college I saw people have trouble debugging or fixing their code because they didn't do little things like that.


Best of luck to you.

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