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anyone can help with this code please?


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Hi , i have  a pb with one of my pages .... data does not go into the database... can anyone see anything wrong ? Many thanks



include_once "accesscontrol.php";
include_once "../configuration.inc.php";
$q1 = "select * from job_employer_info where ename = \"$ename\" ";
$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error(Error5));
$a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1);
$a11 = $a1[JP_number];

  if(isset($submit) && $submit == 'Post this job')
$q2 = "select * from job_employer_info where ename = \"$ename\" ";
$r2 = mysql_query($q2) or die(mysql_error(Error1));
$a2 = mysql_fetch_array($r2);

if (is_array($JobCategory))
	$JobStr = implode("," , $JobCategory);

$qc = "select job_id from job_post order by job_id desc";
$rc = mysql_query($qc) or die(mysql_error(Error2));
$ac = mysql_fetch_array($rc);
$job_id = $ac[0] + 1;

$position = strip_tags($position);
$description = strip_tags($description);

$EXday = date('d', mktime(0,0,0,0, date(d) + $_POST[exdays1], 0));
$EXmonth = date('m', mktime(0,0,0, date(m), date(d) + $_POST[exdays1], 0));
$EXyear = date('Y', mktime(0,0,0,date(m) ,date(d) + $_POST[exdays1], date(Y)));

$q3 = "insert into job_post set
job_id = \"$job_id\",
 ename = \"$ename\", 
CompanyCountry = \"$a2[CompanyCountry]\",
JobIn = \"$JobIn\", 
CompanyState = \"$a2[CompanyState]\",
Company = \"$a2[CompanyName]\", 
position = \"$position\", 
JobCategory = \"$JobStr\", 
description = \"$description\",  
j_target = \"$j_target\", 
salary = \"$salary\", 
postdate = \"$postdate\", 
s_period = \"$s_period\",
EXmonth = \"$EXmonth\",
EXday = \"$EXday\",
EXyear = \"$EXyear\"  ";
$r3 = mysql_query($q3) or die(mysql_error(Error3));

$a11 = $a11 - 1;
$q4 = "update job_employer_info set JP_number = \"$a11\" where ename = \"$ename\" ";
$r4 = mysql_query($q4) or die(mysql_error(Error4));

$to = $a2[CompanyEmail];
$subject = "Votre mission sur $mydomain";
$message = "Vous trouverez dans ce courrier une copie de votre mission.\n\n Details:\n Job ID# $job_id \n Mission: $position \n Categorie: $JobStr \n Description: $description \n Expire le: $EXmonth/$EXday/$EXyear\n\n\n Pour modifier ou effacer cette mission Cliquez ici: http://$myurl/employers/employers7.php ";
$from = "De: $contactemail";

mail($to, $subject, $message, $from);

echo "
<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='5'>
    <td height='16' bgcolor='#FFCC00'><center>
        <b><font color='#000000'>$POSTJJ</font></b> 


if ($a11 < 1)
	echo "<center><br><br><br>$POSTJ2</center><br><br>";
	include_once "employers1.php";


echo "";


function checkFields() {
missinginfo = "";

if (document.form.position.value == "") {
missinginfo += "\n     -  Position";
if (document.form.description.value == "") {
missinginfo += "\n     -  Description";
if (document.form.salary.value == "") {
missinginfo += "\n     -  Salary";

if (missinginfo != "") {
missinginfo ="_____________________________\n" +
"You failed to correctly fill in your:\n" +
missinginfo + "\n_____________________________" +
"\nPlease re-enter and submit again!";
return false;
else return true;

<table width=100%>
	<td colspan=2>
	<b><?=$USINGPLAN?> <font color=blue><?=$a1[plan]?></font> . <br><?=$POSTJ3?></b>
	<li>poster <?=$a11?> mission; </li>
	<li>voir <?=$a1[JS_number]?> profils; </li>
	</ul>		</td>
<tr><td colspan=2> <br>
<b><font color=green><?=$TOPOST?> :</font></b><br>
<td width="24%"><form action=<?=$PHP_SELF?> method=post name=form onSubmit="return checkFields();">

<td width="76%">
<input type=text name=position>	</td>

<td valign=top>
<?=$JOBCATEGORY?> <br>	</td>

<td valign=top>
<SELECT NAME="JobCategory[]" multiple size=5>
        $title_query=mysql_query("select * from job_jobcategories");
          while ($title_result=mysql_fetch_array($title_query))
        echo '<option value="'.$title_result['jobcategory'].'"';
        if (strstr($job_result['jobcategory'],$title_result['jobcategory'])) {echo "selected";}
        echo '>'.$title_result['jobcategory'].'</option>';
</SELECT><br>	</td>
<tr><td valign=top><?=$DESCR?>:</td>
<td><textarea rows=6 cols=35 name=description></textarea></td>

<td><?=$TARGET?>: </td>

<select name="j_target">
<option value=""> </option>
            <option value="Bac +2">Bac +2</option>
            <option value="Bac +3">Bac +3</option>
            <option value="Bac +4">Bac +4</option>
            <option value="Bac +5">Bac +5</option>
            <option value="Autre">Autre</option>

<tr><td> </td>
<td> </td>


<?=$WILLEXPIRE?>:	</td>

<select name=exdays1>
<option value=30> 30 </option>
<option value=60> 60 </option>
<option value=90> 90 </option>
.	</td>
<input type=text name=JobIn value="pays ou adresse">	</td>
<input type=text name=postdate value='<? print date("d/M/Y"); ?>'>	</td>
<td align=left><input type=submit name=submit value="Poster la mission" /></td>

include "employers1.php";


<? include_once('../footer.php'); ?>

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