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[SOLVED] scalar error


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    	foreach($customers AS $key => $value) {
    		$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $key, 1, 0, 'C');
    		$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value['forecast'], 1, 0, 'C');
    		$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value['actual'], 1, 0, 'C');
    		$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value['gam'], 1, 0, 'C');
    		$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value['actual'] + $value['gam'] - $value['forecast'], 1, 1, 'C');
    		foreach($value['products'] AS $key2 => $value2) {
    			$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, '', 1, 0, 'C');
    			$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $key2, 1, 0, 'C');
    			$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value2['forecast'], 1, 0, 'C');
    			$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value2['actual'], 1, 0, 'C');
    			$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value2['gam'], 1, 0, 'C');
    			$fpdf->Cell(30, 10, $value2['actual'] + $value2['gam'] - $value2['forecast'], 1, 1, 'C');

Why no matter how I do this I always get, a

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in D:\xampp\htdocs\rolfdev\app\views\reconcile\area_customer_pdf.thtml on line 30


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\xampp\htdocs\rolfdev\app\views\reconcile\area_customer_pdf.thtml on line 30



There is an array inside $value['products'] but it returns that for some reason.

Any advice?

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@ MmmVomit

I can't show customer's "data" because it's a private project.

The original array is called products.  I have split it into 2 arrays

products['customers'] is going into customers and the other part somewhere else.

I am focusing on customers.

Which is now the $customers array.

Inside it are some values, and one array.  Which is products.




customers[products] -> array

inside that array are

product id -> values.

For each one.




I tried that, as well as unsetting each one at the end both.  No luck.

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@ MmmVomit

I can't show customer's "data" because it's a private project.


I'm more interested in the structure of the variable.  Replace all the actual data with asterisks if you need to.  Unless the array is to large to do that cut and paste by hand, of course.

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Yes, customers is the array customers.

It works fine,without the second foreach.

$customers['products'] howeverwhich I am trying to access in the second

foreach is, but funny.


$customers['customerid']['products'] is an array of product id's


$customers['customerid']['products -> array (

$prod_id = array (


value = whatever

value2 = whatever again

value3 = something else




That's basically it.

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Ok, I tried that just now.

I don't understand exactly what this error is.

I know, btu I don't know how to fix it.


the answer is don't use a scalar as an array.


$customers = 0; // Here $customers is a scalar variable with value 0.

$customers[0] = 'fred'; // Here we're trying to assign a value to $customer as if it's an array, but it's a scalar.

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