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I can't use sessions


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Hi all,


I'm developing my own little OOP-based PHP-MySQL Framework. Its derived from the MVC framework. I'm making a login script that uses sessions. I don't think I have ever used sessions in a class before, but I didn't think I would need to do anything fancy to use them as they are a global.


In short, on the index page, the first thing it does is call the checkLogIn() function from the login class to see whether there logged in or not. It simply checks the values of $_SESSION['auth'] and returns true or false depending on that value. But as soon as I load the index page, I get an error saying undefined index: auth.


The session is started.





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I know it undefined, I am asking why.





class login {
        var $reg = array();

        function login($reg){
                $this->reg = $reg;

        function checkLogIn($type=NULL){
                if($type == 'login'){
                        if($_SESSION['auth'] == 'yes'){
                                $this->reg['redirect']->redir(site_url.'admin/index', 0);
                        if($_SESSION['auth'] != 'yes'){
                                $this->reg['redirect']->redir(site_url.'admin/login', 0);

        function log_in($username, $password){
                        $error[0] = "You haven't entered a username";

                       $error[1] = "You haven't entered a password";

                $encrypt = $this->reg['crypt']->encrypt($password);

                $sql = "SELECT * FROM 
                                WHERE `username` = '".mysql_escape_string($username)."' 
                                AND `password` = '".mysql_escape_string($encrypt)."'";

                if($this->reg['db']->dbNumRows($sql) == 1){
                        $_SESSION['auth'] = 'yes';
                        $user = $this->reg['db']->dbFetchArray($sql);

                        foreach($user as $key => $val){
                                $_SESSION['user'][$key] = $val;

                        $this->reg['smarty']->assign('userData', $user);
                        return 'true';

                        $error[2] = "You have provided invalid login credentials";

                        return $error;


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When you have error reporting set to report everything, the interpreter will raise errors whenever you use a variable or array index that has not yet been defined.


    echo "logged in";


On the first hit to the page, session_start() will create an empty session, meaning that $_SESSION is empty and the index 'auth' in $_SESSION doesn't exist.  In that case, you do one of two things:


1)  Change the level of your error reporting.


2)  Change the comparison

  if(isset($_SESSION['auth']) && $_SESSION['auth']){
    echo "logged in";

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Theres a lot of code here:




// set database information
$settings['server'] = 'localhost';
$settings['username'] = 'cobby';
$settings['password'] = '*******';  // intentionally left blank for the purpose of this post
$settings['db'] = 'framework';
$settings['tblpre'] = 'spf_';
$settings['urlformat'] = 'index.php?file=';

        define('tbl_prefix', $settings['tblpre']);

        define('urlformat', $settings['urlformat']);
$settings['adminemail'] = 'admin@localhost';





// Set error reporting

// get url function
function url(){

        // get server protocol
        $sp = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'];

        $sp = explode ('/', $sp);

        $protocol = strtolower($sp[0]);

        // add protocol
        $url = $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

        // get the script path
        $path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

        // separate path by /
        $path = explode('/', $path);

        $final = '';
        // join parts, start at 1 to remove first blank and end 2 early to skip includes and filename name
        for($i=1; $i<count($path)-1; $i++){
                $final .= "/".$path[$i];

        // add trailing /
        $final .= "/";

        // join parts
        $ret = $url.$final;
        return $ret;


// Set Constants

$site_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRSEP . '..' . DIRSEP) . DIRSEP;
        define('site_path', $site_path);

        define('site_url', url());

include site_path.DIRSEP.'classes'.DIRSEP.'reg.class.php';
$reg = new reg;

$scandir = scandir(site_path."classes\\");

foreach($scandir as $val){

        if(preg_match("+.class.php+", $val)){

                $val = substr($val, 0 ,-10);

                if(($val != 'Smarty_Compiler') && ($val != 'Config_File') && ($val != 'reg')){

                        include_once site_path."classes\\".$val.".class.php";

                        $reg[$val] = new $val($reg);



include site_path.DIRSEP.'includes'.DIRSEP.'config.php';
$reg['smarty']->assign('settings', $settings);
$reg['smarty']->assign('siteurl', site_url);




// include includes.php
include 'includes/include.php';

// connect to database

// run request handler

// close database connection


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When you have error reporting set to report everything, the interpreter will raise errors whenever you use a variable or array index that has not yet been defined.


You hit the jack pot mate, just removed error_reporting() and it all works fine now.




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