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Security issues with POST & GET in php (how to resolve?)


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Check this out. It allows you to take the POST command, modify it, and send it on it's way, so to speak. How in the world can I stop it so that it's not so.. insecure?


Mostly, I have an AJAX chatroom application that uses the post method to connect wiht the php files, and this program allows you to change the username or w/e.

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Wait, how can you get session variables to be passed through AJAX to the PHP file without echoing it into the url variables?


So you're saying, if I use AJAX to request something, and the PHP goes $_SESSION['username'], it gets the person's username correctly? Even though it was the AJAX that activated the php script?

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there is an excellent tutorial here on sessions, just follow that and it hsould help

but you could do something simple like

           $username = $_SESSION['username'];
           //REQUIRE LOGIN


put that at the begining of any script you want to use the session info on.



as for the session initialization




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// Use of session_register() is deprecated

$barney = "A big purple dinosaur.";



// Use of $_SESSION is preferred, as of PHP 4.1.0

$_SESSION["zim"] = "An invader from another planet.";


// The old way was to use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS

$HTTP_SESSION_VARS["spongebob"] = "He's got square pants.";



Off of the php site x.x


I would do one of two things:


1.  If you're users are logged in and they will presumably have an active session during the chat thing, just use sessions....




if(!isset($_SESSION['username'])) exit;


2.  If users are not logged in, generate a random string, assign it to a session variable, and pass it through the AJAX call....



the page the AJAX sends to:

if(empty($_SESSION['key']) || !isset($_GET['key']) || $_SESSION['key'] != $_GET['key']) exit;
//yeah a little long winded, but I like to code with warnings on, so I try to avoid things that could generate warnings ;p (checking the value of an unitialized GET var)


Then the page with the ajax would have something like:


$key = md5(rand(1, 1000) . rand(1,1000));
echo '<script language="javascript">key = "'.$key.'";</script>';


Then your AJAX call would add on &key='+key



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That's what I'm already doing. Anyway to pass it to the PHP script without echoing it in javascript? Like


The AJAX page contains $_SESSION['username'] = "something" then the page AJAX calls can simply use $username = $_SESSION['username'] or no?

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Even though it's not the user that's making the request, but rather the javascript? Wow, that's interesting... So I can set a session in the php file (like the last message id) so that when it recalls the php file, I can re-read this session and echo out messages and etc..? Cool :-D (if that's what corbin means)

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