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Hello im making a gaming ladder system and for the report system i want like a password gen that you have to post a code "Password" in the feild. So i need a password or code gen that will post a random password and save into a database . So if there is a new person making a schudel for a war it will gen a password and they have to use that password to go to the next page.


Is there a script like that were a script will post a password GEN By it self and save into a database but when that code is used once ( or if code dont work it stays in database Intil it was used ) it goes out of the database so no one can use it again. but there must be a password gen and database + a feild to make this work.






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no it Generate a password and when the password is generated it goes into a database and if the user puts in the worng password it stays but when the password is used it goes away. But i want it so before you report lose it goes to a security page and then you put in the password or generated code and goes on to the next page. Then the password will be out of the database and dose the same for the rest of the people.

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So how would that password go into a database ? and how would i make a text feild go with that code. What i want is a password gen for the make match part and they copy the password or it stays there . But when a clan/team reports a lose/win they have to put that into a text feild. So how would i get that random password work into a database and supply like a password and click submit and if the code is right in the data base it will go to the next page and the password is gone out of the database.

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Sorry, but its late and don't get paid to help here.. and don't have time to write everything for you..

create a form and read up on entering data into the database, then your have a "problem" post what you have so far and i will continue to help.. of course you can search the forum or even post in the freelance section

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I'm so confused. Let's see if I have this right:


1. someone comes to your site to report a match/challenge

2. when they report the match a random password is generated..which they have to 'remember' for later when they report the win/lose

3. they go beat the crap out of each other and report the win/lose back at the site

4. before they can report it, they have to enter that password

5. that password they enter is matched against one in the database associated with that match to allow the winner to be posted

6. that password is then deleted/nullified/x-nayed from the database so it can't be used again.



Is this right?



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LOL...well this isn't a script repository. It's a help center for people learning and writing their own scripts. If you want something already done then head over to www.hotscripts.com and cruise through their PHP catalog and see what gaming scripts may work for you. If you want to write your own then you'll need to come to the realization that there's a lot more to it than what i've just outlined.

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Well i dont know what a script like that what you put above would be called i got a ladder script going , i just dont know how to do this part because i never really did this before so idk if you guys could help or not . so what would something like that security system be called ?

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