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Trouble with this code, trying to get songs numbered 1 to 5


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Hey guys,

Im not expert on PHP, infact i dont really know how to use it but I have manged to set up the following:

http://www.hothouseradio.com/test1/Index.html as you can see under coming up it has to songs numbered 1 2 3.... but on the recently played it just repeats the number :S I dont know why, here is the code.

Please help



$usr = "hothouse_test";

$pwd = "********";

$db = "hothouse_SAMDB";

$host = "";

$sqlCon = mysql_connect($host, $usr, $pwd);

if (!$sqlCon) { echo("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "\n"); }



$curPlaySQL = "SELECT artist,title,album,website,buycd,date_played FROM historylist ORDER BY date_played DESC LIMIT 1";

$curPlay = mysql_db_query($db, $curPlaySQL, $sqlCon);

$curPlayRow = mysql_fetch_array($curPlay);



$comingUpSQL = "SELECT queuelist.songID,queuelist.ID,queuelist.requestID,songlist.ID,songlist.artist,songlist.title FROM queuelist JOIN songlist ON queuelist.songID = songlist.ID ORDER BY queuelist.ID ASC LIMIT 5";

$comingUp = mysql_db_query($db, $comingUpSQL, $sqlCon);

$upCnt = 1;



$recentPlayedSQL = "SELECT artist,title,date_played FROM historylist ORDER BY date_played DESC LIMIT 2";

$recentPlayed = mysql_db_query($db, $recentPlayedSQL, $sqlCon);

$recentPlayedRow = mysql_fetch_array($recentPlayed);

$recCnt = 1;








<style type="text/css">


.style1 {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;



.style2 {font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight:bolder; }

.style3 {font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;  text-decoration:underline}





<span class="style3"><marquee><? echo("Currently Playing: ".$curPlayRow['artist']." - ".$curPlayRow['title']); ?></marquee></span>

<p><span class="style2">Coming Up</span><br><span class="style1">

<? while ($comingUpRow = mysql_fetch_array($comingUp)) {

echo($upCnt.". ".$comingUpRow['artist']." - ".$comingUpRow['title']."<br>");

$upCnt = $upCnt+1;




<p><span class="style2">Recently Played</span><br><span class="style1">

<? while ($recentPlayedRow = mysql_fetch_array($recentPlayed)) {

echo($upCnt.". ".$recentPlayedRow['artist']." - ".$recentPlayedRow['title']."<br>");

$recCnt = $recCnt+4;



<? while ($recentPlayedRow = mysql_fetch_array($recentPlayed)) {

echo("<table><tr><td width=120><b>".$recentPlayedRow['artist']."</b></td><td width=120 align=left><em>".$recentPlayedRow['title']."</em></td><td width=140 align=left>".$recentPlayedRow['album']."</td><td width=120 align=left>".$recentPlayedRow['date_played']."</td></tr></table><h r>");

$recCnt = $recCnt+4;






<? mysql_close($sqlCon); ?>


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1. Don't use caps in title.

2. Be more generic in your request.

3. Use code tags around code examples.

4. Use full open tags so it does the syntax highlighting.


Sorry,I dont really understand what you mean in the last two ?? im only 15  can you explain more what you want me to do and I will try

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Thanks for the help but that didn't work :(



$usr = "hothouse_test";

$pwd = "test";

$db = "hothouse_SAMDB";

$host = "";

$sqlCon = mysql_connect($host, $usr, $pwd);

if (!$sqlCon) { echo("ERROR: " . mysql_error() . "\n"); }



$curPlaySQL = "SELECT artist,title,album,website,buycd,date_played FROM historylist ORDER BY date_played DESC LIMIT 1";

$curPlay = mysql_db_query($db, $curPlaySQL, $sqlCon);

$curPlayRow = mysql_fetch_array($curPlay);



$comingUpSQL = "SELECT queuelist.songID,queuelist.ID,queuelist.requestID,songlist.ID,songlist.artist,songlist.title FROM queuelist JOIN songlist ON queuelist.songID = songlist.ID ORDER BY queuelist.ID ASC LIMIT 5";

$comingUp = mysql_db_query($db, $comingUpSQL, $sqlCon);

$upCnt = 1;



$recentPlayedSQL = "SELECT artist,title,date_played FROM historylist ORDER BY date_played DESC LIMIT 6";

$recentPlayed = mysql_db_query($db, $recentPlayedSQL, $sqlCon);

$recentPlayedRow = mysql_fetch_array($recentPlayed);

$recCnt = 1;








<style type="text/css">


.style1 {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;



.style2 {font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight:bolder; }

.style3 {font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;  text-decoration:underline}





<span class="style3"><marquee><? echo("Currently Playing: ".$curPlayRow['artist']." - ".$curPlayRow['title']); ?></marquee></span>

<p><span class="style2">Coming Up</span><br><span class="style1">

<? while ($comingUpRow = mysql_fetch_array($comingUp)) {

echo($upCnt.". ".$comingUpRow['artist']." - ".$comingUpRow['title']."<br>");

$upCnt = $upCnt+1;




<p><span class="style2">Recently Played</span><br><span class="style1">

<? while ($recentPlayedRow = mysql_fetch_array($recentPlayed)) {

echo($upCnt.". ".$recentPlayedRow['artist']." - ".$recentPlayedRow['title']."<br>");

$recCnt = $recCnt+4;


<? while ($recentPlayedRow = mysql_fetch_array($recentPlayed)) {

echo($upCnt.". ".$recentPlayedRow['artist']." - ".$recentPlayedRow['title']."


$recCnt = $recCnt+4;







<? mysql_close($sqlCon); ?>


you can see what i have changed in bold but it made no difference.


Any extra help would be helpful

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Okay this needs to be a unix time stamp date_played then you can use date() function to convert it to date but you can compare the time stamp to see which one is greater and that will be last played...


After you play the song update the date_played with a system date unix stamp...

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