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Hi guys n' gals...


My firts post in here and I wanr you I AM A TOTAL SPAZ at this stuff...


Anyway working on a site hosted by Dreamhost.  Its video stuff so I have installed mencoder ffmpeg flvtool2 lame etc etc.


I have a couple of questions...


I can run the mencoder from the command line successfully BUT when I run it from a php exec command it doesn't work.  Each time I login I have to enter the folowing so that the correct apps are used...


export TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp

export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export CPATH=$HOME/include:/usr/local/include:$CPATH

export LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH


Now I need to set the PATH permanently - I did post on the forums on there and a guy replied saying I shoudl look at Invocation in men bash...


Problem being that I would LOVE to know what the hell he is on about.


Apologies but if anyone could be so kind I kinda need a hand holding session on this...


Thanks you lovely lovely people.

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You can set variables perminently in your .bashrc file.


I can run the mencoder from the command line successfully BUT when I run it from a php exec command it doesn't work.


PHP usually runs as the Apache user or something simular, so setting the variables in your .bashrc won't make any difference. You simply need to pass the full path to the executables. eg;


<?php exec('/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg foo'); ?>

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thanks for the tips chaps.




I am passing the full path to app but it is still failing.


The apps I have installed run fine in command line but php just can't seem to call them and I can't for the life of figure why.


ANY ideas will be VERY welcome...


Thanks everyone

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