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[SOLVED] SQL syntax error with PHP variables


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I'm getting the following error:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'div, writer, sme, progress, status, due) VALUES (Test Project,test description,t' at line 1


Based on this code:

$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO projects (proj_name, proj_desc, sponsor, priority, div, writer, sme, progress, status, due)
VALUES (".$_POST['proj_name'].",".$_POST['desc'].",".$_POST['sponsor'].",".$_POST['priority'].",".$_POST['div'].","


Regarding that code, this is the values of the variable noted in there:


$progress = "Project opened."


$mysqlFormat = 2007-12-27


The $mysqlFormat is being put into the "due" column that is listed as a "DATE" type in my table.  If you need other info to help troubleshoot, please let me know.  Thanks!...


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Okay - I kept all the code the same, except I renamed "div" to "division" (in both the code and my database table), and now I am getting THIS error:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'project,test description,test sponsor,Medium,ALL,,,Project opened.,'Open',2007-1' at line 1


The "writer" and "sme" fields were left blank in my form (so the $_POST variables), which is why there are just blank commas there after "ALL" in the error above, but in my database table setup, I have them set to "NULL", so if they're empty, then doesn't that mean that it is okay to have nothing in them?  Or am I wrong about that?


Now what?  Thanks for that tip on "div", by the way!!!



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you must add sigle qoute around string type data


$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO projects (proj_name, proj_desc, sponsor, priority, division, writer, sme, progress, status, due)
VALUES ('".$_POST['proj_name']."', '".$_POST['desc']."', '".$_POST['sponsor']."', '".$_POST['priority']."', '".$_POST['div']."', '"
.$_POST['writer']."', '".$_POST['sme']."', '".$progress."', 'Open', '".$mysqlFormat."'");

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why not just try  ;D


$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO projects (proj_name, proj_desc, sponsor, priority, div, writer, sme, progress, status, due) VALUES ('{$_POST['proj_name']}','{$_POST['desc']}','{$_POST['sponsor']}','{$_POST['priority']}','{$_POST['div']}','{$_POST['writer']}','{$_POST['sme']}','$progress','Open','$mysqlFormat')";

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String values in a MySQL statement need to be quoted with single quotes. You should also process any user input through, at least, the mysql_real_escape_string() function:

$tmpq = array();
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
    switch ($k) {
        case 'proj_name':
        case 'desc':
        case 'sponsor':
        case 'priority':
        case 'div':
        case 'writer':
        case 'sme':
           $tmpq[] = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'";
$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO projects (proj_name, proj_desc, sponsor, priority, division, writer, sme, progress, status, due)
VALUES (" . impode(', '. $tmpq) .  ",'" . $progress . "', 'Open', '".$mysqlFormat . "')";



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you must add sigle qoute around string type data


$insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO projects (proj_name, proj_desc, sponsor, priority, division, writer, sme, progress, status, due)
VALUES ('".$_POST['proj_name']."', '".$_POST['desc']."', '".$_POST['sponsor']."', '".$_POST['priority']."', '".$_POST['div']."', '"
.$_POST['writer']."', '".$_POST['sme']."', '".$progress."', 'Open', '".$mysqlFormat."'");


Getting closer!...


...after adding the single quotes around $progress, I get the following error:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'project,test description - empty,test sponsor,Medium,W&C,,,'Project opened.','Op' at line 1


If I fill in those "NULL" fields ("writer" and "sme"), then I get this error:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'project,test description - filled in,test sponsor,Medium,W&C,sample writer,sampl' at line 1


Any more ideas???


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String values in a MySQL statement need to be quoted with single quotes. You should also process any user input through, at least, the mysql_real_escape_string() function:

$tmpq = array();
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
    switch ($k) {
        case 'proj_name':
        case 'desc':
        case 'sponsor':
        case 'priority':
        case 'div':
        case 'writer':
        case 'sme':
           $tmpq[] = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'";
$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO projects (proj_name, proj_desc, sponsor, priority, division, writer, sme, progress, status, due)
VALUES (" . impode(', '. $tmpq) .  ",'" . $progress . "', 'Open', '".$mysqlFormat . "')";




I copied that code exactly above (except I changed "impode" to "implode", assuming a spelling error), and now I get the following errors:


Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Argument to implode must be an array. in C:\htdocs\_PHP-SITES\ProjectBoard\admin\addProject.php on line 161

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''Project opened.', 'Open', '2007-12-27')' at line 2


Is this a step forward or backwards?



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On the line where you do the Mysql statement add an "or die" clause and echo your query:

$rs = mysql_query($insertSQL) or die("Error with query: $insertSQL<br>" . mysql_error();


This should give you a better understanding of what's going on.



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On the line where you do the Mysql statement add an "or die" clause and echo your query:

$rs = mysql_query($insertSQL) or die("Error with query: $insertSQL<br>" . mysql_error();


This should give you a better understanding of what's going on.




Pardon my newbie ignorance, but what do I echo to get the output of the query?  is it just:

echo '<p>'.$insertSQL.</p>;

in the body of the HTML document?  if so, wouldn't I still get the error page because the query will try to execute, so then I wouldn't ever see the echo?


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Change it to:

$Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $ProjectBoard) or die("Error with query: $insertSQL<br>" . mysql_error());


And your formatted query will display before the error message.

Okay, cool.  Here's the current error (and I did correct that "implode" typo):


Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Argument to implode must be an array. in C:\htdocs\_PHP-SITES\ProjectBoard\admin\addProject.php on line 161

Error with query: INSERT INTO projects (proj_name, proj_desc, sponsor, priority, division, writer, sme, progress, status, due) VALUES (,'Project opened.', 'Open', '2007-12-27')

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''Project opened.', 'Open', '2007-12-27')' at line 2

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Here you go.  Thanks so much again for all the help - it is MUCH appreciated!!!  ;D


if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) {
  $tmpq = array();
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
    switch ($k) {
        case 'proj_name':
        case 'desc':
        case 'sponsor':
        case 'priority':
        case 'div':
        case 'writer':
        case 'sme':
           $tmpq[] = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'";
$insertSQL = "INSERT INTO projects (proj_name, proj_desc, sponsor, priority, division, writer, sme, progress, status, due)
VALUES (" . implode(', '. $tmpq) .  ",'" . $progress . "', 'Open', '".$mysqlFormat . "')";

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