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Use of IF statement


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Hi guys,

First post here. Straight into it.


I am wondering if i can get some help. I know how to use the IF statement for a full string, however i am looking for it to check the start of a string. It is a project for work, where there are files that come in, these files start with 3 letters and a number followed by a : sign. each department has a different combination and i would it to be able to read that first part and know what department it is. Is this possible?


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you could use the strpof function to locate characters in a sting for instance


$find  = 'whatyouarelookingfor;
if (strpos($whatyourlookingin, $find) == true){ //do stuff in here }
else{//do stuff in here}


I think that should work. I use the same method in one of my scripts.

If it doesnt work post your code and the output for us to see!



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Your probably going to need to be a little more specific in the description of what exactly these strings look like, but maybe....



  $s = 'dep2345:';
  if ($matches[0] == 'dep2345') {
    echo "belongs to dep";




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This is what i have so far:




  $s = $_REQUEST['file];


  if (preg_match('/^ITS0001/i',$s))

    echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content='1;url=Department/ITSales.php?file=";

    echo $_REQUEST['file'];

    echo "' />";


  elseif (preg_match('/^PERS0001/i',$s))

    echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content='1;url=Department/Personnel.php?file=";

    echo $_REQUEST['file'];

    echo "' />";




    echo "<h1>Not Recognised Format</h1>";




This works for ITS0001 file, but not for PERS0001. Instead i get an error


'Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSEIF in /home/www/XXXXXXXXXX/target.php on line 16'

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please put your could in blocks like the following




  $s = $_REQUEST['file];
  if (preg_match('/^ITS0001/i',$s)) 
    echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content='1;url=Department/ITSales.php?file=";
    echo $_REQUEST['file'];
    echo "' />";
  elseif (preg_match('/^PERS0001/i',$s))
    echo "<meta http-equiv=refresh content='1;url=Department/Personnel.php?file=";
    echo $_REQUEST['file'];
    echo "' />";
    echo "<h1>Not Recognised Format</h1>"; 

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