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What do you think of my layout?


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This website is powered by Joomla, with a few tweaks made here and there.


If this is a website showcasing your profile and your web developing skills, and you are using Joomla, I would def. not hire you. Or should anyone else! This simply shows the lack of professionalism and your tendency to just throw together a template. I want something you done yourself completely. Is it really that difficult to create that website without Joomla?


On another note, the site overall looks a lot better than before. I'm still confused with the picture up top and your address. You might look into darkening the header/footer.

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What I would say to that comment is that building a site in Joomla has nothing to do with your development skills. To be quite honest when you can leverage technology to build technology it makes sense more times than not, for a whole lot of reasons. You've got a package that's been developed by a whole bunch of people... why reinvent the wheel? You give them clients something they can easily maintain and update themselves... it's a pretty stable platform so more developers could maintain it if need be, etc etc. Building a site using a tool is nothing to be ashamed of and the comment about professionalism is asinine.

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What I would say to that comment is that building a site in Joomla has nothing to do with your development skills. To be quite honest when you can leverage technology to build technology it makes sense more times than not, for a whole lot of reasons. You've got a package that's been developed by a whole bunch of people... why reinvent the wheel? You give them clients something they can easily maintain and update themselves... it's a pretty stable platform so more developers could maintain it if need be, etc etc. Building a site using a tool is nothing to be ashamed of and the comment about professionalism is asinine.


Really? I have a client who fired a person who gave him a joomla website.

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So? That could have a million other factors that go with it. I know several people who make quite good money building websites and things for small and medium sized companies using Joomla/SugarCRM, etc. You do realize that most businesses of any size use CMS systems to manage their website/intranets right? That doesn't necessarily mean an opensource one, but most things are not custom built my friend. Furthermore, the clown who got fired would not have got fired if they knew how to deal with clients. You clearly need to scope out a project, talk about solutions and delivery methods before beginning. Joomla may not have been a fit for them... but you find that out before you drop it on their desk. I assure you, him getting fired had little to do with Joomla and a lot more to do with other incompetencies.

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I agree with dbo.. a developer offers solutions. A Developer oughts to know the market's solutions and takes advantage of them. I dont see a reason of making a CMS from the scratch JUST to make a personal site with frequently updates.


Also for a small company why to make a CMS from the begging? I need time consequently company's money, and i take the risk to not make something really good as is an open source CMS. I am not perfect java script programmer, not perfect mysql programmer, not perfect php programmer. But I know how stuff work and I can reuse code saving my time, company's money and of course a much better result (if i know how stuff works and im able to modify)


In analogy:

When you ask help from an attorney he checks cases that happened in the past... He reuses the case and the words of an other of his colleagues and takes the case. But you pay him the same money... Coz he offered the solution. If you want him to say other stuff just you feel pioneer then you take a risk of the sure result, you spend his time consequently you spend your money.

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