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this file :






$msg="u've been here $_session[count]";




<title>start a session</title>




echo $msg;





do not work , when i load this page , the only thing i get is " you've been here 1" , by refreshing the page that "1"  does not change, just 1 again and again ,


but this file :




if (isset($_SESSION['count']))



  $_SESSION['count'] = 1;


$msg="you've been here {$_SESSION['count']} ";




<title>start a session count</title>




echo $msg;





it works by refreshing that number add each time, BUT when i close my brower , and open again , the session won't end, and gives me the last number i was refreshing  ! 


what is wrong with the first file ? and why the second do not end the session when i close it ?

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In my experience it is a browser bug. Sessions should expire when you close your browser but I am able to log in to a lot of different web services, close my browser and still be logged in when I open my browser again.


But I might be mistaken :) You can set the time a session should live.

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i changed that to $_SESSION , now the first works too , but they are connected to each other ,which mean when i open one and close it on number 7 , then i open second , it is already on 7 , then again when i close this one at 17 , and open other, it starts at 17 ...

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i have about 10 pages which should just be veiwed by a registered member , but i want when the user browser is closed the session ends, but before that i was trying with coockie (which didn't worked either :( ) , now i'm all confused !

the coockie part was this :


if ($check != 0)

{$auth="<a href=\"a.php\">a page</a>";




{$auth="bad login";}







echo $auth;





and a.php :


if ($_COOKIE[abc] == "bbb")

{$msg="hello !";}


{header("location: /my2/login.html");




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML ......


when i sign in , i saw the "a page" link , but when i click on it , it bring up the login page again , which means the he couldn't find abc== bbb, i've checked my brower coockie but all is allowed  ! :s


now don't know what wouldn't be similar for a session for doing such a thing, and this book hasn't said anything about that ! :(


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