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DB stopped loading.


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This page has been working for about a year.  A couple weeks ago it just stopped loading the db.  I create the db or php, I had someone else create it for me.  I am a novice at best when it comes to mysql and php, very basic skills.  I have dissected the php code and when I remove the $QUERY_STRING and replace it with lastname for instance, the db will function.  I'm not sure if this is the problem, but it's all I can find.  Any help would be appreciated.


http://www.southbayvbc.com/teams.php?18-1  (re-directs back to index when db doesn't work)




//global functions (age, birthday, grade)

function getAge($dob){
    $ageparts = explode("-",$dob);
    $age = date(Y) - $ageparts[0];
    if (date(m) >= $ageparts[1]){
        if(date(d) >= $ageparts[2]){
        return $age;
        return $age-1;
        return $age-1;

function niceBirthday($dob){
    $dobparts = explode("-",$dob);
    if($dobparts[1] == "01"){$nicemonth="January";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "02"){$nicemonth="February";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "03"){$nicemonth="March";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "04"){$nicemonth="April";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "05"){$nicemonth="May";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "06"){$nicemonth="June";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "07"){$nicemonth="July";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "08"){$nicemonth="August";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "09"){$nicemonth="September";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "10"){$nicemonth="October";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "11"){$nicemonth="November";}
    if($dobparts[1] == "12"){$nicemonth="December";}

    return($nicemonth." ".$dobparts[2].", ".$dobparts[0]);

function nicegrade($schoolgrade){
    if ($schoolgrade == "12"){$schoolgrade = "Senior";}
    if ($schoolgrade == "11"){$schoolgrade = "Junior";}
    if ($schoolgrade == "10"){$schoolgrade = "Sophomore";}
    if ($schoolgrade == "9") {$schoolgrade = "Freshman";}

    return $schoolgrade;

function getPreviousTeam($team) {
    if ($team == "18-1") return "17-1";
    if ($team == "17-1") return "16-1";
    if ($team == "16-1") return "16-Gold";
    if ($team == "16-Gold") return "16-Blue";        
    if ($team == "16-Blue") return "15-1";        
    if ($team == "15-1") return "15-Gold";
    if ($team == "15-Gold") return "14-1";
    if ($team == "14-1") return "14-Gold";
    if ($team == "14-Gold") return "13-1";
    if ($team == "13-1") return "12-1";
    if ($team == "12-1") return "12-Gold";
    if ($team == "12-Gold") return "12-Blue";
    if ($team == "12-Blue") return "18-1";
    // error case: return current team
    return $team;
function getNextTeam($team) {
    if ($team == "18-1") return "12-Blue";
    if ($team == "17-1") return "18-1";
    if ($team == "16-1") return "17-1";
    if ($team == "16-Gold") return "16-1";        
    if ($team == "16-Blue") return "16-Gold";        
    if ($team == "15-1") return "16-Blue";
    if ($team == "15-Gold") return "15-1";
    if ($team == "14-1") return "15-Gold";
    if ($team == "14-Gold") return "14-1";
    if ($team == "13-1") return "14-Gold";
    if ($team == "12-1") return "13-1";
    if ($team == "12-Gold") return "12-1";
    if ($team == "12-Blue") return "12-Gold";
    // error case: return current team
    return $team;

function coachPage($team) {
    if ($team == "18-1") return "staff.html";
    if ($team == "17-1") return "staff.html";
    if ($team == "16-1") return "16.html";
    if ($team == "16-Gold") return "16.html";        
    if ($team == "16-Blue") return "16.html";        
    if ($team == "15-1") return "16.html";
    if ($team == "15-Gold") return "16.html";
    if ($team == "14-1") return "14.html";
    if ($team == "14-Gold") return "14.html";
    if ($team == "13-1") return "14.html";
    if ($team == "12-1") return "12.html";
    if ($team == "12-Gold") return "12.html";
    if ($team == "12-Blue") return "12.html";
    // error case: return current team
    return $team;

    if(!$QUERY_STRING){echo("<script language='Javascript'>window.location.href='index.php'</script>");} 

    // Connect to the database server
    $dbcnx = @mysql_connect("localhost", "southbay_lindsey", "makana");
    if (!$dbcnx) {
        echo( "<p>Unable to connect to the " .
            "database server at this time.</p>" );

    // Select the southbay_webdata database
    if (! @mysql_select_db("southbay_webdata") ) {
        echo( "<p>Unable to locate the southbay_webdata " .
            "database at this time.</p>" );

    //Query Players
    $result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players WHERE team='$QUERY_STRING' ORDER BY lastname");

    //check for garbage query_string
    if (!mysql_num_rows($result)){echo("<script language='Javascript'>window.location.href='index.php'</script>");}

<script language="javascript">
    while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ){
    if ( file_exists ("images/players/".strtolower($row[lastname])."_".strtolower($row[firstname]).".jpg")) { 
	    $playerphoto = "images/players/".strtolower($row[lastname])."_".strtolower($row[firstname]).".jpg";
	} else {
	    $playerphoto = "images/players/playerna.jpg";

        echo("imgload".$n." = new Image;\nimgload".$n.".src = '".$playerphoto."';\n");


    //Player Query executed in <head> for redirections purposes
    //Scrub Characters
    $search = array("'","\"",",");
    $replace = array("-","","");

    //Query Coaches
    $coach_result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM coaches WHERE team='$QUERY_STRING' ORDER BY position");

    if (!$coach_result) {
        echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");

    //Get coaches email now, do the other coach stuff later
while ($coach_check = mysql_fetch_array($coach_result)){
    if ($coach_check[position] == "Coach") { 
        $coach_email = $coach_check[email];

    //reset pointer for later use of mysql_fetch_array()
    if(mysql_num_rows($coach_result)) {
        mysql_data_seek ($coach_result ,0); 

    //Check for IE ( uses javascript function playersuffleIE() ) 
    if(strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT,"MSIE")) {
        while ( $row = str_replace($search,$replace,mysql_fetch_array($result)) ) { 
    		if ( file_exists ("images/players/".strtolower($row[lastname])."_".strtolower($row[firstname]).".jpg")) { 
    	    $playerphoto = "images/players/".strtolower($row[lastname])."_".strtolower($row[firstname]).".jpg";
	    } else {
	        $playerphoto = "images/players/playerna.jpg";
            echo("<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'><td width='113' height='20' align='center'>");

            // Check for young players
	    if( preg_match("(^1[2-4])",$row[team]) ) {
                echo("\n<a onclick='youngplayershuffle(\"".$row[firstname]."\",\"".$row[lastname]."\",\"".niceBirthday($row[birthdate])."\",\"".getAge($row[birthdate])."\",\"".$row[position]."\",\"".nicegrade($row[grade])."\",\"".$row[email]."\",\"".$row[committed]."\",\"".$row[height]."\",\"".$row[number]."\",\"".$row[highschool]."\",\"".$row[gpa]."\",\"".$row[sat]."\",\"".$row[reach]."\",\"".$row[block]."\",\"".$row[approach]."\",\"".$playerphoto."\",\"".$coach_email."\")' href='javascript:;'>" . $row[firstname] . " ". $row[lastname] . "</a></td>\n");
            } else {
                echo("\n<a onclick='playershuffle(\"".$row[firstname]."\",\"".$row[lastname]."\",\"".niceBirthday($row[birthdate])."\",\"".getAge($row[birthdate])."\",\"".$row[position]."\",\"".nicegrade($row[grade])."\",\"".$row[email]."\",\"".$row[committed]."\",\"".$row[height]."\",\"".$row[number]."\",\"".$row[highschool]."\",\"".$row[gpa]."\",\"".$row[sat]."\",\"".$row[reach]."\",\"".$row[block]."\",\"".$row[approach]."\",\"".$playerphoto."\",\"".$coach_email."\")' href='javascript:;'>" . $row[firstname] . " ". $row[lastname] . "</a></td>\n");

            echo("<td width='20' height='20'><div align='center'>" . $row[number] . "</div></td>\n");
            echo("<td width='69' height='20'><div align='center'>" . $row[position] . "</div></td>\n");
            echo("<td width='99' height='20'><div align='center'>" . $row[highschool] . "</div></td>\n");
            echo("<td width='36' height='20'><div align='center'>" . $row[year] . "</div></td>\n</tr>");

    // All other browsers ( uses javascript function playersuffle() ) 
    } else {
        while ( $row = str_replace($search,$replace,mysql_fetch_array($result)) ) { 
	    if ( file_exists ("images/players/".strtolower(str_replace(" ","_",$row[lastname]))."_".strtolower(str_replace(" ","_",$row[firstname])).".jpg")) { 
		    $playerphoto = "images/players/".strtolower(str_replace(" ","_",$row[lastname]))."_".strtolower(str_replace(" ","_",$row[firstname])).".jpg";
	    } else {
		    $playerphoto = "images/players/playerna.jpg";
            echo("<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'><td width='113' height='20' align='center'>");

            // Check for young players
	    if( preg_match("(^1[2-4])",$row[team]) ){
                echo("\n<a onclick='youngplayershuffle(\"".$row[firstname]."\",\"".$row[lastname]."\",\"".niceBirthday($row[birthdate])."\",\"".getAge($row[birthdate])."\",\"".$row[position]."\",\"".nicegrade($row[grade])."\",\"".$row[email]."\",\"".$row[committed]."\",\"".$row[height]."\",\"".$row[number]."\",\"".$row[highschool]."\",\"".$row[gpa]."\",\"".$row[sat]."\",\"".$row[reach]."\",\"".$row[block]."\",\"".$row[approach]."\",\"".$playerphoto."\",\"".$coach_email."\")' href='javascript:;'>" . $row[firstname] . " ". $row[lastname] . "</a></td>\n");
            } else {
                echo("\n<a onclick='playershuffle(\"".$row[firstname]."\",\"".$row[lastname]."\",\"".niceBirthday($row[birthdate])."\",\"".getAge($row[birthdate])."\",\"".$row[position]."\",\"".nicegrade($row[grade])."\",\"".$row[email]."\",\"".$row[committed]."\",\"".$row[height]."\",\"".$row[number]."\",\"".$row[highschool]."\",\"".$row[gpa]."\",\"".$row[sat]."\",\"".$row[reach]."\",\"".$row[block]."\",\"".$row[approach]."\",\"".$playerphoto."\",\"".$coach_email."\")' href='javascript:;'>" . $row[firstname] . " ". $row[lastname] . "</a></td>\n");

            echo("<td width='20' height='20'><div align='center'>" . $row[number] . "</div></td>\n");
            echo("<td width='69' height='20'><div align='center'>" . $row[position] . "</div></td>\n");
            echo("<td width='99' height='20'><div align='center'>" . $row[highschool] . "</div></td>\n");
            echo("<td width='36' height='20'><div align='center'>" . $row[year] . "</div></td>\n</tr>");

    //Coaches rows
    $csearch = array("'","\"","\n","\r","(",")");
    $creplace = array("","","<br>","<br>","","");

    while ( $row = str_replace($csearch,$creplace,mysql_fetch_array($coach_result)) ) { 
            echo("<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'>\n<td width='113' height='20'><div align='center'>\n<b>");
            echo("<a href='" . coachPage($QUERY_STRING) . "#" . $row[firstname] . "'>" . $row[firstname] . " " . $row[lastname] . "</a></b></div>\n</td>\n"); 
            echo("<td height='20' colspan='4' class='team-footer'><b>Assistant Coach</b></td>\n</tr>\n");
        } else {
            echo("<tr bgcolor='#ffffff' id='headeryellow'>\n<td width='113' height='20'><div align='center'>\n<b>");
            echo("<a href='" . coachPage($QUERY_STRING) . "#" . $row[firstname] . "'>" . $row[firstname] . " " . $row[lastname] . "</a></b></div>\n</td>\n"); 
            echo("<td height='20' colspan='4' class='team-footer'><b>Coach</b></td>\n</tr>\n");

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    if(!$QUERY_STRING){echo("<script language='Javascript'>window.location.href='index.php'</script>");} 


You are missing the < before the php code starts again...  It should be:


    if(!$QUERY_STRING){echo("<script language='Javascript'>window.location.href='index.php'</script>");} 

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On top of that....


You've really posted too much code to be able to debug it all, but the $QUERY_STRING variable has long been depricated in favor of $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']. Its probably about time you had this site rebuilt or at the very least reworked to comply with the changes that have happend to php over the last few years.

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On top of that....


You've really posted too much code to be able to debug it all, but the $QUERY_STRING variable has long been depricated in favor of $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']. Its probably about time you had this site rebuilt or at the very least reworked to comply with the changes that have happend to php over the last few years.


The original code was written over three years ago then updated last year.  I guess this is the most important piece of code if I could get it to work:

//Query Players
    $result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players WHERE team='$QUERY_STRING' ORDER BY lastname");


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I'm sorry to say but it looks like pretty poor code to begin with. You could try....


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players WHERE team='{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}' ORDER BY lastname");


but I'm sure there will be other issues.

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