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ok, nevermind i had 2 things to say....lol


on your top area


do something like this...


"VideoGame Hunters"


instead of "VG HUnters"....


it tells people what your site is about.






and are you wanting this to be a successful site?

i suggest creating links to HUNDREDS , if not thousands of games.


to make money, i guess you are getting paid for refering people to games???

you would have a very specifc type of visitor, very targetable.

head over to...



its self explaining. it has the highest paying rate tghat i know of. thats what i use.

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ok, nevermind i had 2 things to say....lol


on your top area


do something like this...


"VideoGame Hunters"


instead of "VG HUnters"....


it tells people what your site is about.






and are you wanting this to be a successful site?

i suggest creating links to HUNDREDS , if not thousands of games.


to make money, i guess you are getting paid for refering people to games???

you would have a very specifc type of visitor, very targetable.

head over to...



its self explaining. it has the highest paying rate tghat i know of. thats what i use.



yea im working on that thousands of games part.... itll take a long time though

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a few more things....

for instance...



with the ratings... center score in the middle of the table....


With your kind of site... it would be nice to let visitors comment on the game too....

i don't know your level of knowledge in php and mysql, so i can't tell you how easy it would be or not...

try ScriptsMill comments (just google it) they have really nice system , easy installing, with ANTI spam features already built in.

with such as large site in mind, it would be best to you php includes and requires too...

a search engine will be needed to search your site for specific games (google provides a nice one)


speaking of google, you will need to really take advantage of search engine rank in google,aol yahoo etc.

people will search these sites for reviews for games, and you need to rank high to get them.

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With your kind of site... it would be nice to let visitors comment on the game too....

i don't know your level of knowledge in php and mysql, so i can't tell you how easy it would be or not...

try ScriptsMill comments (just google it) they have really nice system , easy installing, with ANTI spam features already built in.


No. Never use a pre-made script. You don't learn anything and customizing is a pain in the ass. Why not read a php book and learn how to do this! I spent a whole summer dedicated to php and I love the freedom in creating anything I want without the limit of what someone else created!

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i'm not sure about google site search engine, you may be right. BUT pre-made scripts aren't that bad. i use scriptsmill comments instead of creating my own. This saved me probably 3-4 months of work. I'm learning more and more php as i go along, and eventually, you're right, you need to know how to fix problems that arise. but i'll get there eventually

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With your kind of site... it would be nice to let visitors comment on the game too....

i don't know your level of knowledge in php and mysql, so i can't tell you how easy it would be or not...

try ScriptsMill comments (just google it) they have really nice system , easy installing, with ANTI spam features already built in.


No. Never use a pre-made script. You don't learn anything and customizing is a pain in the ass. Why not read a php book and learn how to do this! I spent a whole summer dedicated to php and I love the freedom in creating anything I want without the limit of what someone else created!


i had plans to eventually add the comment system, and i have the knowledge (for the most part) just havnt gotten around to it yet. thanks for the advice though.

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WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to many ads... thats overload and makes the visitors not want to stay onh your site.


do 1..MAX 2 widgets per page

yea i may have gone overboard on the widgets, but i actually really like those widgets because of thier constant game updates and prices, plus i got one widget for ps3 one for XBOX 360 and one for Wii, Perhaps i should put them all at the bottom of the page?

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keep 1 widget at the bottom.


you may want to consider creating your comment system now. this would be a great place to put a widget(the the left or right of the comment column).

widgetbucks.com reports that the wide skyscraper is pretty much the most profitable ad choice. (if place efficently, people are reporting earnings of around $6 USD per thousand impressions (thats like 12 times better than adsense)....


anyways...i think comments would would make your site a lot better...and more profitable too...


are you using php includes or requires in your site?

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a few more things....

for instance...



with the ratings... center score in the middle of the table....


With your kind of site... it would be nice to let visitors comment on the game too....

i don't know your level of knowledge in php and mysql, so i can't tell you how easy it would be or not...

try ScriptsMill comments (just google it) they have really nice system , easy installing, with ANTI spam features already built in.

with such as large site in mind, it would be best to you php includes and requires too...

a search engine will be needed to search your site for specific games (google provides a nice one)


speaking of google, you will need to really take advantage of search engine rank in google,aol yahoo etc.

people will search these sites for reviews for games, and you need to rank high to get them.




got the comment system down yo

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